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Following the Footsteps of General Secretary Xi Jinping: Chinese Academy of History and its Contributions to Chinese-style Modernization

On the afternoon of June 2, General Secretary Xi Jinping inspected the Chinese Academy of History.

The Chinese Academy of History is a national historical research institution affiliated to the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences. Its main responsibilities are to coordinate and guide the national historical research work, integrate resources and forces to formulate a new era of Chinese historical research plans, and organize the implementation of major national historical academic projects. In 2019 It was established in Beijing on January 3. General Secretary Xi Jinping sent a letter to express his congratulations, emphasizing that upholding and developing socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era requires more systematic study of Chinese history and culture, a deeper understanding of the historical laws of human development, and the need to draw wisdom from in-depth thinking about history and move towards the future.

During this visit to the Chinese Academy of History, General Secretary Xi Jinping further pointed out that he hopes that you will inherit the fine traditions, unite and unite the vast number of historical research workers across the country, continuously improve the level of research, and contribute more wisdom and strength of Chinese historiography to Chinese-style modernization.

The Chinese Academy of History is located in the cultural complex in the central area of ​​the Beijing Olympic Park on the north extension of the Beijing Central Axis, the “cultural ridge” that connects ancient and modern times, with a total construction area of ​​about 100,000 square meters. On the ancient building, a huge seal character “History” hangs in it, which is simple and heavy, showing distinctive Chinese characteristics, Chinese style, and Chinese style.

This is the interior scene of the Chinese Academy of History taken on May 23.Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Yan Yan

“History is a mirror. Learn from the past to know the present, and study history wisely.” The establishment of the Chinese History Research Institute is of great significance in the history of the development of Chinese historiography. It is not only an academic center, but also opens up a new path for the development of more integrated, overall and strategic historical research.

Make overall plans for Shi Lin and establish rules and regulations. In September 2019, the Chinese Academy of History established an academic committee and an academic advisory committee composed of 58 famous historians across the country, and an authoritative academic guidance, academic evaluation, academic appraisal, and academic consulting agency for the subject of history in my country came into being. In May 2019, the Chinese Academy of History took the lead in forming the “Joint Conference of Major National Historical Research and Teaching Institutions”. The first batch of 32 member units gathered strength and cooperated with each other, and the national historical research formed a strong atmosphere of “a game of chess”.

Academic achievements, writing a new chapter. For more than four years, the Chinese Academy of History has launched the compilation project of “(New) General History of China” (“History of the Chinese Nation”), which has become an important symbol of Chinese historiography entering the golden period of high-quality development in the new era; A number of major projects such as the history of rejuvenation, the history of national unification in the Qing Dynasty, and the study of the governance system of Chinese dynasties; the National Social Science Fund Institute of Chinese History has implemented a special research project on major historical issues, and the research content covers the origin of Chinese civilization, Chinese cultural genes, Chinese Cultural vitality, national governance system and other major frontier theoretical issues.

This is the interior scene of the Chinese Academy of History taken on May 23.Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Yan Yan

Let historiography go out of the ivory tower and approach the people. The Chinese Academy of History launched the non-profit “Lantai Lecture Hall” to the public, edited and published “Chinese Stories in Ten Cultural Relics” and “A Brief History of the World” and other popular historical books, and participated in the production of large-scale historical and cultural programs “China in Classics” “Chinese Archaeological Conference” and so on, let the heavy history and profound thoughts be creatively transformed, travel through time and space, and fly into the homes of ordinary people.

Let cultural relics tell, let history speak. At the Chinese Academy of History, General Secretary Xi Jinping walked into the Chinese Archaeological Museum. This is the first national-level archaeological museum in my country, with an exhibition area of ​​more than 7,000 square meters and more than 6,000 exhibits. The whole museum takes “Historical Chinese Ding Casting Civilization” as the theme, and is characterized by “warehousing display and immersive experience”. Heritage protection and academic research are integrated. It focuses on displaying the precious cultural relics and documents of our country from the Paleolithic age to modern times, presents the historical context of the formation and development of my country’s social formation, and highlights the historical picture of the evolution of Chinese civilization and the exchange of Chinese and foreign civilizations for more than 5,000 years.

Applying the world and making the past serve the present, absorbing the wisdom of responding to the development requirements of the times and grasping the general trend of future development from the 5,000-year history of Chinese civilization, the Chinese Academy of History is striving to write a splendid chapter of Chinese historiography in the new era!

Reporter: Zhang Yan

Visual | Editors: Wu Jingjing, Bao Yuhan

Produced by Xinhua News Agency

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2023-06-04 02:46:00
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