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Folk Diva Desi Slava’s Hidden Daughter-in-law Causes a Stir Online

The folk diva Desi Slava has been hiding her prospective daughter-in-law for two years, and the news caused a storm of reactions on the web, where she has otherwise been more active lately. Her eldest son Mikey is in a serious relationship with a beauty named Angela.

The two lovers have been together for two years, but neither Maiki nor Desislava have commented on the candidate daughter-in-law so far. Although he only turned 22 years ago a few days ago, the successor of the folk singer does not fall for short-term affairs, but prefers deeper relationships.

The girl, for her part, looks modest and intelligent, so, according to acquaintances, Desi has hit a six in the lottery with her daughter-in-law, “Telegraph” writes.

Mikey is also an extremely responsible boy and even often takes care of his little brother – Boris, who is only 5 years old, but is his father’s weakness.

No wonder Desi Slava herself advised her son not to make his chosen one public because of the bitter experience she herself has. Although she always publicly announced her partners, the singer never got along personally, but at least she has two wonderful children, the publication also writes.

We remind you that her eldest son Mikey is from her relationship with the Bulgarian Misho, who lives in Chicago, and little Boris is the fruit of Desi’s love with the boxer Blagoi Naydenov.

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2023-07-30 09:25:00
#future #daughterinlaw #Desi #Slava #PHOTO

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