Home » today » Entertainment » Folk ballet of the dance ensemble ‘Daiļrade’ ‘How many suns in us’ will have its premiere

Folk ballet of the dance ensemble ‘Daiļrade’ ‘How many suns in us’ will have its premiere

On Saturday, September 4, at 9 pm in the stadium of Ādaži Sports Center, the dance ensemble (DA) “Daiļrade” will present the folk ballet performance “How Many Suns in Us” to the audience.

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As the representatives of the dance ensemble tell “Delfi”, the meeting’s message will focus on the encounter of modern man with the world of the ancient Latvian deities – the Sun, the Moon and the Thunder.

“There are several preconditions why we can call this dance performance unique. First, thanks to the perseverance of dancers and creative team, it will be able to see the light of day even in such difficult conditions as we live today. More than 70 dancers will dance this mythical story. Viewers will have the opportunity to experience “We hope that this will be a historic event for the entire dancing community,” says Iveta Pētersone-Lazdāne, the artistic director of the dance ensemble.

The dance performance consists of well-known and highly regarded professionals in Latvia: choreographers and dancers of contemporary and contemporary dance Liene Grava and Reinis Rešetins, musician and composer Kārlis Auzāns, literary critic and screenwriter Lita Silova, director and video artist Roberts Rubīns, costume designer Creative “Iveta Pētersone-Lazdāne.
Anta Grīnvalde, Kristaps Pelēkais, Ilmārs Pokšāns and Kristaps Baumanis will play title roles in the folk ballet performance. “

Spectators are invited to bring rugs or chairs, as well as everything necessary to enjoy folk ballet, in accordance with national safety measures.

Admission free, according to the epidemiological situation as determined on 4 September.

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