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FOLDER. Municipal: a second round with multiple unknowns – CAMEROON MAGAZINE – CAMEROON INFO

The second round of municipal elections is the first post-Covid-19 electoral test. Main issue: bringing the French to the polls despite the persistent concern over the health situation in the country. More than three months after the disputed first round was held on March 15, the vote will take place in 4,820 municipalities where municipal councils have not been fully elected. In Guyana, however, the poll was again postponed in Guyana, where the situation remains, according to the government, “extremely worrying”. Election took place at a minimum, without the handshakes and proximity inherent in this election. This creates additional uncertainty. In several large cities, victory will have a highly symbolic value and will focus attention. Advantage Anne Hidalgo in Paris, where the outgoing socialist mayor allied with environmentalists shows a comfortable lead in the polls on his rivals LR and macronist. A change of generations expected, however, in Lyon, Strasbourg or Marseille, where the ecologist Michèle Rubirola, at the head of a union of the left, can end 25 years of domination by the right. But the election promises to be as tight in Bordeaux, Toulouse or Lille, and unpredictable in Montpellier. Discover all our articles to understand the challenges of this second round.

Marseille on the left? Toulouse in the hands of ecologists? In many major cities in France, the games remain very open for the second round on June 28.

The ballot, disturbed by the coronavirus epidemic, was marked by record abstention (around 55%). Track all updated results.

The first round of municipal elections took place on Sunday March 15, but the French had their heads elsewhere. What can we learn from these results in such a special atmosphere?

The local authority passed to stage 3 of the epidemic, Monday. The number of positive cases has doubled in eight days, which worries the authorities.

Two complete strangers, militant environmentalists, are on the verge of winning the town hall of Lyon and the metropolis. Grégory Doucet and Bruno Bernard, tandem of shock, play resolutely on pragmatism. With one objective: to get rid of the image of “Khmer Green” which still sticks to their skin. The price to pay to govern?

Georges Képénékian, former PS deputy to Gérard Collomb, now a candidate for mayor of Lyon, says that the secret pact which links the former minister of Macron and the former boss of LR is an old story … Interview.

One week before the second round of municipal elections, the former ally of the mayor of Lille firmly believes in his chances of succeeding him. Portrait.

After having created the surprise in the first round, Michèle Rubirola, at the head of a pink, green and red collective, could well seize the city of Marseille. To the chagrin of Martine Vassal, the heiress of Jean-Claude Gaudin.

To win the city at the municipal level, the ex-number 2 of the FN and former companion of Marine Le Pen tries to transform himself into a local notable and advocates the union of the rights, against his party.

The current president of the departmental council of Meurthe-et-Moselle is one of the rare chances of the PS to conquer a big city during the municipal elections.

On the eve of the second round of municipal elections, on June 28, “l’Obs” looks at the cities that can tip over and the candidates who can create surprise. Today, Poitiers. Can the young environmentalist Léonore Moncond’huy bring down the mayor PS Alain Claeys?

The LREM candidate for municipal elections in Paris came out of a long silence after her crash the day after the first round. She goes back to battle. To save his lost honor, but not only.

The former Minister of Health has relaunched himself in the Paris campaign with one objective in mind: to defend his management of the Covid-19 crisis.

In preparation for the second round, some of the majority’s heavyweights are invited to the leaflets at the top of the LREM list in Paris. At the expense of the former Minister of Health.

Lille, Dijon, Strasbourg, Grenoble, Paris, Nantes, Toulouse … Attempts to form an alliance between the PS and EELV, with a view to the second round on June 28, were not everywhere successful. Story of the negotiations.

Patrick Balkany, convicted of tax fraud and dismissed from his post as mayor, seeks to prevent the election of Agnes Pottier-Dumas, his former chief of staff who came first in the first round of municipal elections, in the city of Hauts-de -Seine.

Edouard Philippe announced that the second round of municipal elections will take place on June 28, if the health situation allows. A choice that has as many advantages as disadvantages. “The Obs” takes stock.

Thirty assessors, candidates, or LR activists present in the 15th and 16th arrondissements of Marseille during the first round of municipal elections filed a complaint against the Prime Minister and the Minister of the Interior before the Court of Justice of the Republic.

Marie Cau, 55, “is to my knowledge the first transgender person to be elected mayor in France,” Stéphanie Nicot, co-founder of the National Transgender Association, told AFP.

Elected in the first round in March, he took office on Saturday May 23. Student at Sciences-Po Grenoble, he was a candidate on an unlabeled list.

Is Edouard Philippe essential? Who are the weakened and comforted ministers? Who could enter government? “The Obs” takes stock.

SOURCE: https://www.w24news.com

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