Home » Health » Fogging and Fumigation for Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever Prevention in Batu Bara Sumut

Fogging and Fumigation for Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever Prevention in Batu Bara Sumut

BeritaNasional.ID, BATU BARA SUMUT – Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DBD) attacks residents, officers from the Batubara P2KB Health Service together with the Labuhan Ruku Community Health Center carry out fogging or fumigation in residential areas in Labuhan Ruku Village, Talawi District, Wednesday (04/10/2023).

Officers fogging around alleys and residents’ houses in the Sirih Nazfa Indah Housing Complex, Jl H Maulana, Ward VI, Labuhan Ruku Village.

This fogging was carried out in connection with the presence of a resident who was suspected of having dengue fever who had undergone medical treatment, his condition has now improved, and it is reported that he has even returned to work as usual.

One of the residents said that the victim had a fever last week, while the lab results were only known yesterday, so it was feared that mosquitoes or dengue fever larvae had time to breed, so fumigation was carried out.

“Yes, sir, the laboratory results of residents who were infected with dengue fever were known yesterday, and we immediately went down to carry out checks and treatment in the field in the form of fumigation/fogging today,” said the Head of the Labuhan Ruku Community Health Center, Dr. Sarbaini was confirmed by journalists via telephone.

Fogging can be done under three conditions, namely that there is a dengue fever sufferer (laboratory results), there is another fever, and there are dengue fever larvae (PE).

Previously, a child from Pahang Village, Talawi District, was also attacked by dengue fever and the local area and school where he lived were also fogged with insecticide which aims to kill mosquitoes, especially the carriers (vectors) of Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever. (Fitrah)

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2023-10-04 14:27:52
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