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Fogged up windows? This way you remove moisture and condensation from your car Mobility

Fogged up windows are annoying. Without air conditioning, it should be cleaned properly with a dry cloth. In extreme cases it will therefore also be necessary to scratch the inside in frosty weather. But how does this condensation form?

In cold, wet seasons, windows fog up more quickly because cold air stores less moisture than warm air. Especially at night, that humidity, which enters the car through clothes and shoes, condenses on the cold windows. Once the moisture is in the car, it doesn’t go away. Certainly not in cars that are rarely driven. It is therefore often the second car in the family that suffers the most. After all, cars that are driven a lot dry out from prolonged use of heat and air conditioning.

In addition to physics, there is another cause – carelessness. With a little attention, a few simple steps and the right accessories, problems can be solved quickly. If your windows still fog up after following the tips below, only your garage can help. For example, if the door, window or sunroof seals are porous or cracked, they need to be replaced.

Keep drains clean

When rainwater drainage channels are blocked by dirt and leaves, the water pools. It’s not uncommon for it to get inside over time. The exhaust ducts are located between the windshield and the bonnet, in the sunroof and sometimes also in the rear of the car. Often it is enough to remove the dirt. Then check with some water if water leaks out.

Replace the internal filter

A clogged cabin filter can also cause moisture in the car. Dust and dirt prevent the air from circulating optimally. In addition, fungi and bacteria have a chance, so that the polluted pollen filter poses a health risk. A new filter costs around 15 euros. The high-quality activated carbon filters filter not only pollen and dust, but also nitrogen oxides (NOx) from the air.

Let the moisture out

Make sure that the ventilation ducts are open and that the ventilation is not set to recirculation mode, as in this case the vehicle will not be vented. Then turn on the ventilation and heating: warm air absorbs more moisture than cold air. Also, it helps to open the windows briefly to let the humid air out.

Use air conditioning

Although many people only use the air conditioner for cooling in the summer, it should be used regularly in the winter as well. Regular use lubricates the seals, prevents the formation of bacteria and bad smells and increases their life. Also, air conditioning removes moisture from the air much more effectively than heating.

Keep the car dry

To keep the car dry, wet clothing should be removed before boarding. Put wet coats in the trunk so that the moisture doesn’t get absorbed into the seat upholstery. If necessary, remove wet floor mats from the car to dry them. If you have a dry parking lot or garage, you can leave the window open so the car can ventilate.

Use the dehumidifier

Special moisture-absorbing products are available to dry humid indoor air. These special cushions cost around 10 euros and can be placed indoors. They draw moisture out of the air and, once full, can be dried on the stove and reused. Alternatively, the cat litter can be placed in an old sock and placed in the car, but this product cannot be reused.

Scrub the windows with a little shampoo

Inside the windshield, you can scrub the glass against steam deposits with a little cleaner or shampoo.

Maintain your car

If the seals and rubbers become porous, moisture can penetrate here as well. To avoid this, they can be kept flexible with proper care. Talcum powder, petroleum jelly or other special care products are suitable for this purpose, for example.

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