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“Fogape Chile Apoya Program: State-guaranteed financing for Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises until December 2023”

The financing offer with state guarantee of the Fogape Chile Apoya Program is intended for clients and non-clients of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises and will be available until December 2023.

Within the framework of the Chile Apoya Inclusive Recovery Plan, the financing offer with state guarantee of the Fogape Chile Apoya Program aimed at supporting clients and non-clients of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises is still available and can be requested until December of 2023.

It should be said that since January 2023 in the region of La Araucanía, more than 10 billion pesos have been granted, which translates into 1,922 credits delivered to regional MSMEs. Regarding renegotiations, to date 51 credits have been managed, equivalent to 257 million pesos. It is important to mention that, although these amounts have been increasing as the months progress, the Seremi de Hacienda invites you to approach the respective branches and request an evaluation by BancoEstado executives.

The characteristics of this credit is that it has a maximum rate of TPM + 5%, where the first maturity can be requested in 12 months, with the possibility of waiving this benefit; In addition, it does not consider the payment of stamp and stamp tax or a prepayment commission, there is no commission cost in the guarantee and finally, the payment term can be up to 36 months for working capital and up to 84 months for investments.


The recipients of these credits are all microenterprises with sales up to UF 2,400 and companies with sales between UF 2,401 and UF 100,000 that meet at least one of the following criteria: a) Belong to the group of economic activities defined as prioritized; b) Not having received financing in the Fogape Covid and Fogape Reactiva Programs; c) Having been a beneficiary of the PAR Chile Recupera (CORFO), Levantemos tu Pyme (I and II), Productive Emergency Zone Zero, Let’s Recover Your Neighborhood, Recover Your Neighborhood Zone Zero or Recover Your SME (Sercotec) programs and d) SMEs affected by events of rural violence (managed by the Ministry of the Interior). Likewise, they must register annual net sales that do not exceed UF 100,000 for smaller companies, not be in arrears in the financial system or in BancoEstado at the date of the request, and must comply with BancoEstado’s credit and commercial policies.

In this regard, the Seremi de Hacienda of the Araucanía region, Ronald Kliebs, commented that “The invitation of this regional secretariat is for regional entrepreneurs and small businessmen to consider this type of aid that is added to the different economic security initiatives that we are promoting as a government in order to mitigate the problems and take advantage of the opportunities that a With these characteristics, this is an excellent support measure for entrepreneurs, which will be in force throughout the year 2023.”

Lastly, the provincial deputy manager of BancoEstado Microempresas in the La Araucanía region, Braulio Friz, added that “This initiative has been received very well by entrepreneurs in the region, it has encouraged investment in fixed assets and working capital. In parallel, it has allowed entrepreneurs to rearrange and reschedule their debts, considerably reducing their financial burden.”

Source: Communications
Treasury Department
Araucania region

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