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Focus on the Junior Economic Chamber of Grenoble Métropole

Laetitia Fougeyrol works in the Isère, Savoie and Haute Savoie regional management at BNI, a community of entrepreneurs in Meylan. She joined the Junior Economic Chamber of Grenoble Métropole in 2015 and chairs it for the year 2022.

Are there other JCEs in Isère?

The JCE is an international association and represents more than 200,000 members worldwide. It has 150 branches in France, and its headquarters are in Paris. In Isère, we have two JCEs, in Bourgoin-Jallieu and Grenoble with about twenty members in each. That of Grenoble celebrated its 60th anniversary in 2019. That of Bourgoin-Jallieu was relaunched five or six years ago.

What are the objectives of the association compared to a Chamber of Commerce and Industry or a Chamber of Trades?

We have no connection with these Chambers, we are independent even if we work with them on certain projects. The mission of the JCE is to offer young people opportunities for development: to develop their network, because we are part of a movement and we give the possibility of meeting other people who share the same values; develop its territory through citizen projects, actions; and develop their skills. Training is also provided to our members.

Who are these members?

The target is young people aged 18 to 40 who want to act on their territory and develop skills. The profiles who join us are students, young professionals who are starting to work, people who are a little more advanced in their professional career and who join us to give meaning to their lives and feel useful.

What are your goals as president?

I have a one-year mandate to impact our territory. Our organization is made in such a way that we have a regional level which provides coordination and support. The national level gives the directives and a national theme for three or four years and at the international level, it is the global strategy of the movement. The health crisis has had an impact on our staff and we are in the process of recruiting new volunteers. We realize that this pandemic has made young people want to get involved in a different way. We are ready to welcome them.

Practice : Thursday March 17 at 7 p.m., at the Novotel in Grenoble: evening presentation of the association (actions, training, assumption of responsibility, networks and events at regional, national, European and international level). Open to everyone on registrations. Free.

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