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focus on four healthy companies winners of the “Innovation Awards”

Announced by Emmanuel Macron on June 29, at the conclusion of the 9th meeting of the Strategic Council of Health Industries (Csis), the Health Innovation Agency is taking shape. Invited to deliver a speech on the occasion of the inauguration of PariSanté Campus on December 14, the Prime Minister, Jean Castex, announced that the future agency will be installed at PariSanté Campus “in early 2022”. It will be attached to Matignon for “the interministerial dimension”. The place was not chosen by chance: it should allow it to “benefit from maximum institutional visibility, while ensuring its proximity to the world of research and innovation”, explained the head of government. It will aim to respond to three priorities: endow France with a strategy and objectives to be achieved in the short and long term with all the players in research and innovation; offer a one-stop-shop for innovators in order to speed up the marketing of new products and continue to steer the “Health innovation plan 2030” and its resources. For this, the Prime Minister announced the creation of a monitoring committee responsible for ensuring the proper execution of the plan. Chaired by Olivier Bogillot, President of Sanofi France, this committee is made up of Agnès Audier, Associate Director of the Boston Consulting Group, Christine Clerici, President of the University of Paris, Florence Favrel-Feuillade, General Director of the Brest University Hospital, Thomas Lombes, Deputy CEO of Inserm, Franck Mouthon, President of France Biotech, and Eric Vibert, Professor of Surgery at Paul-Brousse Hospital (AP-HP). The committee was installed by the Prime Minister on December 14 at PariSanté Campus, in the presence of Olivier Véran, Minister of Solidarity and Health, Agnès Pannier-Runacher, Minister Delegate in charge of Industry, and Frédérique Vidal , Minister of Higher Education, Research and Innovation. The recruitment procedure for the director of the future agency “has been launched”, also said Jean Castex. It will have around twenty positions to start. These positions were entered in the budget of the financing bill (PLF) for 2022. A text will be published in the Official Journal “at the end of the year or early 2022” to record the creation of the agency and detail its organization and its governance. “We will need a strong, but light, agile agency, which will have to bring fluidity and added value without becoming an additional layer in an already sufficiently complex system”, warned Jean Castex.

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