Home » today » Health » FNOPI: there are nurses for vaccinations in pharmacies. And that’s that! – AssoCareNews.it

FNOPI: there are nurses for vaccinations in pharmacies. And that’s that! – AssoCareNews.it

Midwife fired because not vaccinated: now it’s up to Nurses, Oss and Health Professionals?

Vaccination in the pharmacy is good: there are nurses to administer it. FNOPI says it.

“The administration of vaccines in pharmacies is well and for this reason the nurses are ready to collaborate with pharmacists throughout the country. Already today, nurses take care of practically administering vaccines, especially in public vaccination centers. The partnership between nurses and pharmacists in vaccination should immediately become a national organizational model. After all, this collaboration is already foreseen on paper by the service pharmacy ”.

Barbara Mangiacavalli, president of the National Federation of the orders of the nursing professions, recalls that the possibility of simplifying vaccination by performing it directly in pharmacies where the citizen can find vaccines exists, applying an existing norm and without any kind of trespassing between professions.

“It would be nice and above all constructive – he adds – that in the heated discussion on the possibility of being able to vaccinate in pharmacies, the pharmacist works alongside other health professionals to provide basic services that do not require medical intervention”.

“I don’t see what reason there could be – he continues – not to make this synergy between health professions operational and to ensure that even here the citizen can be vaccinated by a healthcare professional qualified to do so, starting with the nurse. In a moment like the one we are going through – he continues – simplification and de-bureaucratization are watchwords and for this reason nothing can be left behind, to chance or to discussions that do not lead to immediate solutions “.

“In this sense – he concludes – we ask the Government and the Regions to intervene so that nurses, doctors and pharmacists can be put in the immediate conditions to provide the best possible service and in the shortest time to all citizens”.

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