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Flyr cuts its offering of routes – NRK Troms and Finnmark

During the winter, a number of popular European destinations will be offered, while in Norway only a limited number of domestic routes will be maintained. The company will gradually increase supply throughout the spring and summer of next year, the company writes in a Press release.

– We are facing a difficult winter in which most people have much less to worry about, due to a record number of interest rate hikes, the general rise in high prices and very high electricity prices. It hits us as an industry and company hard because even fewer people want to travel. Combined with consistently high fuel prices, this means we are adjusting the route schedule throughout the winter, says Flyr’s managing director Tonje Wikstrøm Frislid.

From November to March, Flyr will fly to several European cities. They will also fly from Oslo to Bergen and Trondheim.

At Christmas, at the end of December, they will set up flights from Oslo to Bodø, Evenes and Tromsø. These routes will be cut in the period from November to March.

– We understand this is frustrating for guests who have now changed their trip, but anyone interested will be contacted directly, for help with changing their trip or getting their money back, says Wikstrøm Frislid.

Expect fewer flights with SAS and Norwegian

Flight analyst Hans Jørgen Elnæs tells NRK it will be a tough winter for airlines in Norway.

– There are so many things that affect the economy, both in the private market and in the business world. As a result, demand decreases and companies need to do something to correct it.

Flight analyst Hans Jørgen Elnæs says it will be a tough winter for airlines, where even SAS and Norwegian may have to cut some of their flights.

Photo: Marit Sirum-Eikre / NRK

November to March is the winter season for airlines and it will be heavy, Elnæs tells NRK.

– Perhaps an increase in relation to Christmas, New Year and winter holidays. The market is expected to return again in the summer of 2023. I think there are good reasons to assume this, says the aviation analyst.

SAS and Norwegian will also be affected by reduced demand, Elnæs believes.

– I expect both SAS and Norwegian to reduce some of their domestic capacity in Norway. How long it will be is a bit early to tell, says the flight analyst.

High fuel prices and weak market outlook mean airline Widerøe is also cutting its flight offering.

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