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Flying car, the future has arrived: these images are breathtaking

Auto vlanti, finally come true… (Web)

Surely flying cars have always been everyone’s dream. The mere idea of ​​accessing your car and taking flight to our destination has certainly fascinated many people since the dawn of time. Today we present this vehicle which is to all intents and purposes a flying car and which will surely leave you speechless…

When we think about traveling with our car, the long hours spent in traffic and smog surely many of us will have hoped in the not too distant future to have a personal vehicle available that is able to fly with the comfort of course a car.

In fact, not many have a runway available for their personal jet and for this reason having a compact vehicle like a car, but also able to fly would be really the best. Well, the dream of many may have come true as in Slovakia they had fun developing a real flying car.

The project began more than thirty years ago but has recently led to the first flight of the aircraft/vehicle which has traveled a stretch on the road and one obviously in the area, arousing the amazement of all …

The flying car comes true, it’s amazing

It was the Slovak company Klein Vision that had the first idea of ​​this vehicle during the 90s. Years of study have allowed the refinement of Air Car Prototype 1 which has completed its first land-to-air journey in recent days. for all intents and purposes a hybrid.

The vehicle is therefore equipped with a small engine and wings that are conveniently retracted when it needs to travel on the road. Its autonomy does not seem a lot but certainly to be a prototype it is already at an interesting level of development.

Here is the Prototype 1 air car in flight, piloted by its CEO. (Web)

The transformation from car to plane and vice versa seems to take place in just three minutes as you can see in the video. The metamorphosis therefore provides for the unfolding of the wings and the rear wing which therefore allow to maintain stability in the air.

Who knows if in the near future we will actually be able to buy this type of vehicle. They certainly put the police in difficulty, who will now have to not only check who is on the street but also who travels in the sky…

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