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“Flying Bulls” plane crashed in the Czech Republic: pilot dead

ORF reported that online in the evening. The death of the pilot of a North American T-28B “Trojan” was confirmed to ORF by the head of the Czech air traffic control authority ANS. The “Flying Bulls” are a private fleet of aircraft stationed in Salzburg owned by the Austrian entrepreneur, billionaire and aircraft enthusiast Dietrich Mateschitz.

The head of the Czech Flight Information Center (FIC) in Prague told ORF at 7.15 p.m. on request, among other things on the phone: “The aircraft is gone” – with audible sadness in his voice. So far, no information has been released about the name of the dead pilot, the exact time, the exact location of the accident and the details of the circumstances.

According to initial discussions in Salzburg’s aviation circles, the Trojan with the Austrian radio call sign Oscar Echo-Echo Sierra Alpha (OE-ESA) was returning from an international air show in Poland via the Czech Republic. Details were not yet known. Experts assume that the Czech authorities have not only sent rescue workers but also a team to investigate the accident site.

The “Trojan”, built in the USA in 1954 and restored at extremely high financial expense, was one of the first machines in the world-famous classic car collection of the Flying Bulls. The former chief pilot Sigi Angerer brought her to Salzburg in the 1980s.

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