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Flu wave spills into the stock market

The number of flu cases has risen sharply. It remains to be seen whether the climax in Haldensleben has already been reached.

Haldensleben l It usually begins harmlessly with a sore throat and a runny nose. A small cold, that won’t be more, many affected people think. But caution is currently required, the flu is spreading. And this condition can be dangerous. In the worst case, it can even be fatal. Up to 650,000 people worldwide die from the consequences of an influenza infection.

So far, more than 1,700 cases of flu have been reported in Saxony-Anhalt this year. Eugenie Kontzog, head of the health department in Haldensleben, emphasized that the level of previous years had not yet been reached this winter. “There were fewer cases reported across Saxony-Anhalt than last season,” says the medical officer. Last week there were 33 cases in the district health department. The peak so far this year was reached in the previous week with 45 registered sick people, reports Kontzog. At the beginning of this year, there were only two new flu patients a week. “The next week will show whether the peak of this year’s flu wave has already been exceeded,” says Kontzog.

Cold is not the flu

The Ministry of Social Affairs of Saxony-Anhalt points out that the flu, also known as influenza, should not be confused with a cold: “The flu is not, as is often wrongly assumed, the flu infection or a cold. These are harmless and are usually over within a few days. The real virus flu – medically called influenza – is much more dramatic and can seriously damage the human organism through its accompanying and secondary diseases. “

Once the virus has nested, it quickly becomes uncomfortable for the infected. After initial symptoms that are similar to those of a cold, the fever quickly rises to 40 degrees Celsius, and the sufferers often suffer from dry coughing cough and severe headache and body aches.

How can you protect yourself from the virus? The most effective measure, according to the Federal Ministry of Health, is the flu shot. Public health officer Kontzog emphasizes: “After many years of experience, the months of October and November are the best vaccination period.” However, she still recommends vaccination, since the duration of the winter flu can never be predicted exactly. The full protective effect begins ten to 14 days after the vaccination, explains the doctor.

Vaccination is important

Vaccination is particularly important for people who are older than 60 or have chronic illnesses. The same applies to pregnant women from the second trimester of pregnancy, residents of nursing homes and medical staff.

Ameos Clinic trains its employees

Birgit Blankenburg’s employees are informed about the flu at the Ameos Clinic in Haldensleben. “As in previous years, the Ameos Clinic has prepared itself accordingly for the influenza wave,” reports the hygiene specialist. “We recommend vaccinations to our employees,” emphasizes Blankenburg. She also says that vaccination can still make sense because you never know how long the wave of influenza will last.

So far, the number of patients at the Ameos Clinic has also indicated a rather moderate wave of flu: The number of registered cases is “not exceptionally high” compared to previous years, the clinic says. “However, we assume that the flu wave will continue in 2020. It cannot be estimated whether the climax has already been reached. ”

Last year, the flu wave was “moderate”, according to medical officer Kontzog. The 2017/18 flu season, on the other hand, is one of the worst in recent years.

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