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Flu vaccine recommendations reach schools

From this Monday the children between six months and four years and 11 months They can be vaccinated against the flu. Health stressed the importance of children adhering to flu vaccination, an initiative supported by the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Spanish Association of Pediatrics, due to the significant burden of the disease in children, which reaches hospitalization values ​​very similar to those of over 65s.

Also this recommendation it is reaching schools in a circular form. The parents of the Jerez students are receiving information explaining that “children are the age group with the most cases of influenza, with more hospital admissions after those over 80 and are the greatest transmitters of the virus to the rest of the community, and the most worrying thing is the transmission to the most vulnerable population, such as the elderly or those with chronic or immunosuppressed diseases “.

The circular, signed by the school nurse, states that “with the arrival of autumn and after the beginning of the school year, causing an increase in respiratory infections (Covid and the common cold) in children and the youth population. Although the use of the mask has gone from mandatory to recommended, its use is still highly recommended in people with respiratory symptoms, along with hand hygiene, social distance and ventilation“.

Healthcare professionals recommend that “common sense prevails, We monitor the symptoms and don’t send them to school if they are sick and / or that they follow the basic measures to try not to infect the rest “.

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