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Flu Vaccine Coverage and Winter Vaccination Campaign in Spain: Importance and Recommendations by the AEV

The coverage of the flu vaccine in people over 65 years of age is 54.8 percent so far at the national level: Galicia, Navarra, the Basque Country, La Rioja and Extremadura are at the top in percentage of vaccinated in this sector of the population , according to data from the ‘Sanofi Gripometer’. Figures that the Spanish Association of Vaccinology (AEV) considers to be “positive, however” they can always be improved. Therefore, they insist on the importance of vaccinating both the elderly and risk groups against the flu. children between 6 and 59 months. “Those under five years of age suffer as much or more from the flu than those over 65. There are healthy boys and girls who are admitted for serious cases of this disease and can die,” explained the president. of the Spanish Association of Vaccinology, Jaime Pérez. In addition, the expert has warned that in recent years, due to Covid-19 and the implementation of preventive measures such as the mask, there has hardly been any circulation of the flu virus – with the exception from last season, in which it did circulate but not in the entire population – so this season the immune system may be “untrained”. On the other hand, from the AEV they call for both the elderly, vulnerable and pregnant are vaccinated against Covid-19, which was the most frequent cause of death in 2022, with 31,559 people dying. They also recommend that those over 60-65 years of age review their vaccination status against pneumococcus, since depending on when they were vaccinated they may need to be administered the vaccine again. And those over 60-65 years of age who have never been vaccinated against this bacteria are encouraged to do so. “The objective is that everyone who needs to be vaccinated does so to be able to enjoy the winter in health and make the most of this time of year without viruses or bacteria spoiling it,” said Pérez. VACCINATION CAMPAIGN The Spanish Association of Vaccinology (AEV) has recalled that vaccination against respiratory infections is essential to prevent severe forms of the disease, as well as hospitalizations and deaths. That is the key idea that the Spanish Association of Vaccinology (AEV) wants to convey to the population now that the halfway point of the flu vaccination campaign is reached, also remembering the importance of getting vaccinated against Covid-19 and pneumococcus. . Likewise, the AEV has reinforced the message of its campaign ‘The best plan for this winter’, reminding those who have not yet been vaccinated that there is still time to do so to enjoy a healthy winter. “We have the best opportunity to protect ourselves and get our immune system in shape in vaccines. Getting vaccinated is a healthy lifestyle habit,” said Pérez. A few weeks ago, the AEV launched the ‘The best plan for this winter’ campaign with the aim of encouraging vaccination against respiratory infections. This is an awareness campaign that invites people aged 60 or over and the vulnerable population to get vaccinated against flu, Covid-19 and pneumonia, and which is also aimed at fathers and mothers of child between 6 and 59 months with the aim of encouraging their vaccination against the flu.

2023-12-01 13:17:00
#Flu #vaccine #coverage #people #years #age #nationwide

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