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Flu vaccination can prevent serious complications such as heart attack or pneumonia

According to specialists, in those with chronic diseases, the flu doubles the risk of hospitalization because it can cause serious damage, including worsening diabetes or triggering myocardial infarction and pneumonia.

Both epidemiologists from the World Health Organization (WHO) and those from the European Center for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) have drawn attention to a possible increase in the number of influenza infections after COVID-19. Low circulation a virusof the flu in the past two years, following the restrictions imposed during the pandemic, on the one hand, and the sharp decline in flu vaccinations, on the other, could have resulted in a loss of immunity to seasonal flu, which could make the world more susceptible to an outbreak of infection.

In addition, former head of ECDC’s Influenza and Other Respiratory Viruses program, Pasi Penttinen, said there is a risk that the flu will “linger longer than normal” this year.

With countries’ health systems and economies still under pressure, it is imperative that vulnerable people (the elderly, with multiple comorbidities and immunocompromised) are protected from the flu and its potentially serious complications, experts say.

The most dangerous complications

People with chronic heart or lung disease, metabolic or kidney disease or immunodeficiency, as well as people over 65 “are 51% more likely to visit a family doctor and 3 times more likely to be hospitalized for influenza “compared to those without risk factors, according to data included in the latest Sanofi Flu Bulletin. Even the presence of just one chronic condition increases the risk of hospitalization for flu twice.

At the same time, the data communicated by the pharmaceutical company Sanofi show that:

  • Up to 1 in 3 elderly people admitted to hospital with the flu develop pneumonia. Recovery for pneumonia is usually 10 days, but it can take up to 6-12 weeks for an elderly person with comorbidities.

  • 1 in 10 elderly admitted to hospital with the flu experienced a loss of independence, with 15% experiencing a catastrophic disability resulting in a loss of independence in more than two basic self-care activities.

  • Influenza can be a trigger for myocardial infarction and exacerbation of diabetes. On the other hand, influenza vaccination has been shown to be 15-45% effective in preventing myocardial infarction, similar to routine measures to prevent myocardial infarction, such as quitting smoking (32-43%), taking statins (19-30%) and antihypertensive therapy (17-25%).

Dr Adrian Marinescu, medical director of the Matei Balș National Institute of Infectious Diseases, believes that proof of protection beyond influenza should be a new standard regulatory requirement for influenza vaccines.

“Protecting vulnerable populations from influenza complications will lead to better health outcomes by eliminating the cost of hospitalization and medical bills for both individuals and the health system. At the same time, it will help protect public health and empower people to live a fulfilling life “, says Dr. Marinescu.

In the European Union, seasonal influenza vaccination is estimated to prevent up to 65,600 hospitalizations, 37,200 deaths and 844,700 lost work days each year.

Official data show that, in Romania, flu vaccination coverage in the period 2019-2022 was only 7.9%, well below the level recorded in the flu season 2007-2008, when it was for example 51%.

According to the WHO, routine seasonal flu vaccination is critical to ensure preparedness for new pandemics caused by infectious diseases, which is essential for strengthening global health security.

A new hybrid virus can lead to fatal pneumonia

The concern of health workers is even greater after scientists recently discovered that two respiratory viruses from completely different families – influenza A virus and respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) – have merged and created a new type of pathogen. : a hybrid virus capable of evading the human immune system and infecting lung cells.

Although they have not yet studied it, researchers from the University of Glasgow (Scotland) who made the discovery believe that the hybrid virus formed is capable of infecting more cells than one of the two separate viruses.

While influenza usually infects cells in the nose, throat and trachea, RSV tends to affect cells in the trachea and lungs, and scientists say infections with such a hybrid virus could lead to very serious lung infections. which can be fatal because it can penetrate deeper into the lungs.

Vaccinations also in pharmacies, from November

From this month, those interested in vaccinating themselves against seasonal flu will be able to do so in authorized community pharmacies, not only by the doctor, according to an order of the Ministry of Health (MOH) published last week in the Official Gazette and which will apply from 3 November .

This is a pilot program launched by the ministry, in which only authorized pharmacies will be able to participate, because vaccination will be carried out only by pharmacists who have completed a post-graduate training course.

The vaccination will be carried out in the pharmacy at the request of the adult (or at the request of the legal representatives, in the case of minors), if the subject who presents himself for the vaccination has a medical recommendation to be vaccinated against seasonal flu and has carried out at least one influenza vaccination in previous years. Immunization can be carried out for free or for a fee, and the list of pharmacies authorized to carry out this activity will be published on the website of the Ministry of Health.

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