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Flu Shot Vaccination Season in Lombardy: Dates, Reservations, and Information

Not just the anti-Covid. Lombardy’s vaccination season is ready to open from 1 October with the flu shot: an open day organized by the Assts throughout the Region has already been set for that date, and new details arrived yesterday from the General Directorate of Welfare. For the open day on October 1st, reservations will be open starting from September 28th via the regional portal https://vaccinazioneantinfluenzale.regione.lombardia.it.

Dates to remember

Then all the other deadlines: from October 2nd vaccinations will begin at hospital facilities for healthcare workers, pregnant women, chronic patients and for RSA and RSD guests; vaccinations will start from 9 October at general practitioners and paediatricians for the categories to which vaccination is recommended and offered free of charge (over 60s, “fragile”, children aged 6 months-14 years, family members and contacts of high-risk subjects ); from October 16th vaccinations begin in participating pharmacies for the target categories; finally from 23 October we will move on to inoculations in vaccination centers in the area, again for the “categories to which vaccination is recommended and offered free of charge”.

For children

The flu shot proves to be a valuable precaution. «It is essential that the flu vaccination is carried out by all those at risk for frail conditions, by the elderly and by healthcare workers – recalls Guido Marinoni, president of the Bergamo Medical Association -. In people at risk, flu can cause serious consequences: the fact of having been vaccinated in the past does not exempt from the need to carry out the annual booster.” Once the new anti-Covid vaccine is available, co-administration will be possible. «Adhering to the flu shot – adds pediatrician Luigi Greco, treasurer of the Medical Association – is also important for children aged between 6 months and 18 years. Between 6 months and 2 years the vaccination will be intramuscular with a “split” vaccine, while from two years of age it will usually take place with a nasal spray”.

2023-09-22 04:00:00
#Antiflu #reservations #open #day #September

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