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Flu Season Begins And Here We Tell You How To Protect Yourself From It | Video | Univision 41 New York WXTV

from 162 to jeónimoavenue.rafael: with a closed tonethe season starts oninfluence and add theallergies and cases ofcovid19 that’s out there.the promotion director ecommunity healthhealth department of theNew York City spokewith us and tells us whatwe must take this into accountthis season.rafael: we are getting closer towe could have toldlet’s start the flu seasonor the flu or the cold,when does the season start?The end of the summer has begunwe already have the vaccine availablein many pharmacies throughall five districts, including inof faith and organizations thatthey manage the pantries to get itto our communities.Raffaele: we leftpossible covid19 infectionsbut we already have the seasonflu and also vaccinesavailable, what proceduresor what should we doprotect us from falling with thisvirus?surelyimportant is that we mustvaccinate and protect ourselvesonly kobe but alsoagainst the flu or againstinfluence and we can do itemptying ourselvesrafael: what are the stepsfor those who don’t know whatthey must be to accessthe vaccine?very important what you finishsay, for oursnewly arrived familiesNew York lasers and they are notto receive the vaccine orget vaccinated againstthe flu can call 311 oralso a text message withteams in collaboration withreligious centers and organizationsnonprofits that runpantries there we will be forprovide this vaccine for free,immigration of the person.I would also like to promote aevent to which we will meetSeptember 28th, WednesdaySeptember 28 in churchof San Gónimo, the addressIt is 330 East 138th Street athe Bronx, we’ll be therewe will be from 10:00toast from 2pm to 2pmthis important vaccine.rafael: thank you very much maiaunder the departmentNew York health.you have to protect yourself.

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