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Flu, gastro, bronchiolitis: the classic winter viruses with absent subscribers

the essential
Respecting the barrier gestures recommended to fight against the coronavirus (wearing a mask, washing hands and reducing social interactions), seems, for the time being, to be right about the classic winter viruses. But epidemics delayed in spring cannot be ruled out.

This is the good news of the moment … While influenza, gastroenteritis and other bronchiolitis traditionally invite themselves into our homes for Christmas, they are absent this year. This is in any case the observation made by Public Health France on the whole of the territory, in its epidemiological bulletin of December 9. “In Metropolitan France, no active circulation of influenza viruses has been identified by the dedicated surveillance networks. Only seven influenza viruses have been detected in hospitals in different regions, including at least two in people returning from a trip abroad ”indicates the national public health agency.

A situation that is true in Occitania and in particular in the emergency room of the Toulouse University Hospital. Nothing to report, or almost, in adult emergencies. “To my knowledge, we have not yet entered into the epidemic,” observes Professor Sandrine Charpentier, the head of the service.

The finding is identical to pediatric emergencies where no isolated influenza virus has been reported for the time being and where other winter viruses seem to be much less present than usual. “We see 5 to 6 daily cases of gastroenteritis, against 5 to 10 per day last year at the same period and very few bronchiolitis, 0 to 5 per day against 7 to 18 per day last year”, assesses Professor Isabelle Claudet, the head of the pediatric emergency department at the CHU.

Not a tenth of the usual cases of gastro

In town halls, usually crowded at this time of year, history repeats itself. “We have zero cases of influenza to date, as for gastro, we are not even a tenth of the number of cases usually diagnosed in mid-December”, measures Doctor Jean-Louis Bensoussan, general practitioner and vice-president of the Regional Union of Health Professionals of Occitania.
“Viruses do not circulate or circulate little, this is very good news and it is undoubtedly the logical effect of barrier gestures: wearing a mask, hand washing, confinement …” estimates the doctor.

“Australia is experiencing a peak of spring bronchiolitis. We too could experience this episode in staggered”

From there to saying that we will completely miss the winter epidemics this year, it is too early to say so. At the CHU, doctors are looking towards the southern hemisphere, and in particular Australia. “The country is currently experiencing a peak of spring bronchiolitis, which is less than the usual winter peak; but this suggests that we too could experience this peak shifted, in February or next March, ”warns Professor Isabelle Claudet.

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