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Flu 2020: 11 regions affected, symptoms, treatments

January is off to a great start! According to Santé Publique France, the flu continues to grow in France with 11 metropolitan regions in the pre-epidemic phase.

[Mise à jour le vendredi 8 janvier 2020 à 14h20] The flu is progressing in France with 11 regions on alert according to bulletin published by Santé Publique France January 8, 2020. Bourgogne-Franche-Comté, Brittany, Ile-deFrance, Occitanie, Pays de la Loire, Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur, Nouvelle-Aquitaine, Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, Corsica, Grand-Est and Center-Val de Loire are so in pre-epidemic phase since January 1, 2020. In total, consultations for influenza-like illness represent 4% of those of SOS Doctors and less than 1% of emergency visits. The consultation rate for influenza-like illness is 60 / 100,000 inhabitants, an increase compared to the last week of 2019. Since November 4, 2019, 95 severe cases of influenza have been reported, of which 19 in the first week of January.

Alert level by region in week 1 – 2020

France region epidemic flu card
France" data-legend="Carte montrant les régions françaises en phase de pré-épidémie de grippe">Map showing the French regions in the pre-epidemic phase of influenza © Public health France

Influenza epidemics can affect all age groups each year, but the most vulnerable are those children under two, adults over 65 and people with certain chronic diseases. The most common symptoms are:

  • A strong fever (over 39 ° C);
  • Intense fatigue (also called “asthenia”);
  • of the aches at the level of muscles and joints;
  • Headaches ;
  • Dry cough.

In all cases, in the event of sudden aggravation or without improvement of the state 72 h after the first symptoms, it is essential see a doctor.

The incubation time (the time that elapses between the time of illness and the onset of symptoms) generally lasts between 24 and 48 hours, but it can extend to 72 hours“, reminds Dr. Parneix.”However, the patient is contagious, even before the onset of symptoms, for an average period of 6 days“, he adds.

To be infected with the flu virus, you must be in contact with someone who has already had the flu. Contamination can be done in three ways. The first by airway : a sick person projects droplets of saliva into the air, while talking, coughing or sneezing. Millions of viruses are then found in the air, ready to be inhaled and contaminate you. The second, by close direct contact : a sick person shakes your hand or kisses you. Finally, contamination can be done by the contact with affected objects by a sick person, for example a door handle or a telephone. To protect yourself, it is better to respect these few hygienic gestures:

  • wash your hands thoroughly and systematically after blowing your nose, coughing or more generally, after each outing,
  • put your hand over your mouth when you cough and cover your nose when you sneeze,
  • blow your nose in a handkerchief and then throw it in the trash,
  • wearing a surgical mask if you are sick and have to go to a closed and public place, this prevents contamination of others.

To limit the seasonal flu epidemic, it is essential to adopt daily simple preventive actions aimed at limiting the circulation of the flu virus, especially in communities and on public transport where it is easily transmitted. These hygienic actions must be observed to limit transmission, as soon as the first flu symptoms appear. In particular, wash their hands regularly, teach your children to blow their nose in a disposable tissue, to cover their nose to mouth when they sneeze or cough. In all cases, consult your pediatrician so that he can examine him and administer the most appropriate treatment, as the case may be. For those around people with flu, it is recommended:

  • avoid close contact with the person with the flu, especially if you are fragile;
  • to wash your hands regularly, especially after any contact with the patient.

If you have flu-like symptoms, consult the doctor quickly. He will be able to establish the diagnosis and prescribe the most suitable medicines for you. Generally, you should take paracetamol to calm fever, aches and pains. Vitamin C is also sometimes recommended to fight against fatigue. If necessary, we can complete with a nasal decongestant and one antitussive for dry and rebellious coughs. Finally, we must drink plenty of water and rest. But forget about antibiotics : “the flu is caused by a virus and antibiotics are totally ineffective in treating viral diseases, moreover they could deteriorate the good bacteria which the body needs to defend itself from the disease“, specifies Dr. Pierre Parneix. As the hands are the source of many contaminations, do not hesitate to wash them with soap regularly throughout the day, especially after blowing your nose, coughing or sneezing. hydroalcoholic gel is also practical, but in the long run it can dry out the hands. Finally, remember to ventilate the rooms regularly, several times a day: this will eliminate stagnant viruses in the air, by sneezing and breathing.

It is possible to get the flu vaccine since October 15, 2019, to prevent the 2019-2020 epidemic.

In 2019, the flu epidemic started in early January, peaked in the first week of February and ended in late February, 8 weeks of epidemic. It lasted half as long as in 2017-2018. According to France Public Health bulletin published on October 21, 2019, the epidemic was dmoderate intensity in ambulatory medicine, but was characterized by a high number of hospitalizations after going to the emergency room for influenza-like illness and serious cases admitted to intensive care. This epidemic was also marked by a significant excess mortality in a short time, with approximately 8100 deaths attributed to influenza. The cause of the severity of this epidemic is the co-circulation of the A (H3N2) and A (H1N1) viruses and a vaccine that is not effective enough.

Thanks to Dr Pierre Parneix, medical officer of health and hospital practitioner in public health (CHU de Bordeaux).

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