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“Florida Joker Drops Lawsuit Against Rockstar Games, Requests Voice Acting Role in GTA 6”

The ‘Florida Joker’ has made headlines once again, but this time with a surprising twist. After weeks of threatening to sue Rockstar Games over his likeness in the highly anticipated Grand Theft Auto 6, Lawrence Sullivan, also known as the Florida Joker, has dropped the lawsuit and instead requested a voice acting role in the game.

The controversy began when a parodied version of the Florida Joker appeared in the GTA 6 trailer on December 4, 2023. Since then, Sullivan has been relentless in his attacks against Rockstar and Take-Two Interactive. From demanding $10 million to issuing a “final warning” and even threatening to break the hacker behind the GTA 6 leaks out of prison, Sullivan’s actions have kept him in the spotlight.

However, in a surprising turn of events, the Florida Joker has now announced that he is no longer suing the developers. In a TikTok video shared from an undisclosed location, Sullivan emerged from a bush to provide an update on his stance. “GTA, Rockstar, Take-Two, we got to talk, I’m not suing y’all anymore,” he declared. Instead, he expressed his desire to voice the character in the game and promote it, while also requesting a payment of at least $50,000.

Sullivan believes that he is responsible for the game’s current hype and popularity. “I’m making the game more relevant, people wanna play it, I’m the reason why that game is so hype right now,” he confidently stated. Whether or not Rockstar Games will consider his request remains to be seen.

As for GTA 6 itself, fans are eagerly awaiting its release in 2025. Rockstar has officially confirmed that the game will be available on current-generation consoles such as the PS5 and Xbox Series X/S. However, it is unclear what role, if any, the Florida Joker lookalike will have in the game. With the game’s release still a few years away, fans will have to wait patiently for more information.

The Florida Joker’s journey from threatening legal action to requesting a voice acting role in GTA 6 has been a rollercoaster ride. His viral sensation status and constant presence in the news have kept fans intrigued. Whether or not his request will be granted, one thing is for sure – the Florida Joker has left an indelible mark on the GTA 6 hype train.


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