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Florida Governor Ron DeSantis Criticizes Trump’s Behavior and Calls for Higher Standards

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis has criticized former President Donald Trump, his chief rival for the 2024 GOP nomination, during a town hall in New Hampshire. DeSantis condemned Trump’s behavior, particularly his “phony” insults, stating that it is not how a president should conduct himself and could ultimately cause Republicans to lose. He emphasized that such insults are juvenile and not befitting of a great nation. DeSantis also expressed his disapproval of Trump’s failed promises from 2016, such as eliminating the national debt and having Mexico pay for a border wall.

While DeSantis acknowledged being a “big supporter” of Trump, he called out the unsubstantiated theories put forth by the former president and his associates following the 2020 election. DeSantis stated that these theories did not prove to be true and emphasized the importance of conducting a good election that people have confidence in, without changing the rules in the middle of the game.

DeSantis’ comments come in the wake of Trump pleading not guilty to four criminal charges brought against him as part of an investigation into efforts to overturn the 2020 election. The Florida governor branded the latest indictment against Trump as politically motivated, suggesting that people in the Justice Department are responding to left-wing pressure.

DeSantis has previously focused on the future rather than dwelling on the past when asked about the 2020 election. He has sought to distance himself from the January 6 riot and emphasized the need to move forward and not be mired in the past. DeSantis also indicated that if

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