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Florida: Governor fights against corona rules – with absurd reasons

Washington, D.C.
Ron DSantis is Florida’s governor. The Republican is fighting Joe Biden’s corona measures – and making the situation worse.

Ron DeSantis learned how to swim against the current from his mentor Donald Trump. The worse the Corona conditions in the state of Florida under the conditions of the rampant Delta variant, the more rigid the Republican governor sets his counterpoints.

Florida: Governor DeSantis is fighting corona measures

Just a few days ago, the 42-year-old seriously forbade the school supervisory authorities to urge students to wear protective masks when classes start again in the next few days. The state has to stay out of it, said the politician, who is known for his bossy, robust tone and comes from Jacksonville in northern Florida.

The opposition Democrats and many medical professionals shake their heads in disbelief: “Completely wrong message!”. But also from within the ranks (Senator Bill Cassidy) came the hint that DeSantis was acting negligently. Many see it that way and act on their own.

Ron DeSantis: If you have to wear a mask in schools, you risk losing your wages

Broward County, the county north of Miami, is the sixth largest school district in the United States. DeSantis’ ukas are ignored there. Wearing a mask is compulsory at the beginning of the school year.

Instead of going inward, the duped governor went a step further. He is now openly threatening to block the salary of school directors who comply with his instructions – no mask requirement! – oppose.

Corona in Florida: 135,000 new infections in just one week

And that with these numbers: Between July 30th and August 5th alone, Florida reported 135,000 new infections. 14,000 intensive care beds in the hospitals are occupied by corona patients. One in five corona deaths in the USA currently comes from Florida. In Washington, experts etched that Florida would be banned from traveling if it were a sovereign state.

Particularly depressing: There are over 4,500 children among the patients who have to be treated as inpatients in Florida. The health authority CDC, which DeSantis regularly disdains, sees the reason in the delta variant, which is also making younger people sick in rapidly increasing numbers.

DeSantis, on the other hand, stiffened on the point of view: “We have to live with the virus in the long run. In doing so, individual freedom must not be restricted. “

DeSantis: Biden is a “power-hungry tyrant”

He dismisses appeals to vaccination refusals and vaccination skeptics, after all, to the 90 million people in the US who have been coming regularly from the White House for days, as a form of publicity. President Joe Biden broke the collar. “If you don’t want to help, then at least don’t stand in the way of people who want to do the right thing,” thundered the President at Desantis’ address.

He drew the arrows towards himself with a plase and raised heavy artillery to the applause of the ideological right and despisers of the state. In no case will Florida join the calls for mask compulsory. Let alone prepare new lockdowns if the pandemic should become even more rampant.

“We will not allow Joe Biden and his bureaucratic lackeys to come here and confiscate the rights and freedoms of Floridians,” said the governor. He described Biden as a “power-hungry tyrant” who wanted to create a “biomedical security state” with the Democrats from America.

Florida’s governor could run for president in 2024

Behind the powerful rhetoric is naked ambition. The lawyer trained at the renowned universities of Yale and Harvard, who moved into the House of Representatives in Washington eight years ago as a blank slate, sees himself as a potential heir if Donald Trump does not throw his hat into the ring for the presidential candidacy again in 2024. Surveys see him as having a lot of opportunities.

In contrast, critics in his own ranks consider his anti-mask experiment for schoolchildren to be “foolish”. Tenor: The governor is gambling with the lives of our children.

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