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Florida Court Orders McDonald’s to Pay $800,000 in Nugget Burn Lawsuit

Will this court decision of a Florida court set a precedent? As reported on July 19 NBC 6 South Florida, McDonald’s was ordered to pay spectacular compensation to a mother. The reason ? A nugget burn. It all dates back to 2019. At the time, the family stopped by car in one of the restaurants of the fast-food brand in Tamarac (Florida) and ordered take-out food. For their four-year-old granddaughter, they choose a Happy Meal menu. The mother passes the menu to her daughter seated behind and hears a cry a few seconds later.

The mother turns around and sees the nuggets her daughter had taken, one of which has slipped from her hands. “I took Olivia’s seat belt off and found, stuck between belt and harness a nugget that I did not manage to catch”, says the mother of the family. “It was attached to her thigh where it remained for two minutes”, she recalled to NBC. This chicken nugget, which fell inadvertently, earned the little girl to spend the night in the emergency room. Four years later, the case was judged by a court in Broward. court awarded them $800,000.

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McDonald’s had denied any responsibility

The family believed that their little girl had suffered “unreasonable and dangerous” burns and recalled that she had suffered second degree burns. For their lawyers, the verdict is finally “fair and equitable” and it allows to close this “long and arduous” file, they added. McDonald’s, as well as the company Upchurch Foods Inc. are thus found guilty and will have to “face the consequences of their actions”, said the lawyers.

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“Despite years spent denying all responsibility and, during this trial, trying to minimize the extent of the suffering (of the little girl) in the eyes of the community, their efforts have been in vain”, they finally underlined. Throughout the trial, both companies denied outright, but the jury considered that no warning was given about the food. Neither McDonald’s nor Upchurch Foods Inc would comment to NBC 6 South Florida.

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2023-07-24 06:17:56

#United #States #burned #nugget #McDonalds #compensates #dollars

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