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Florida before the election: Circus Maximus in Sarasota – Politics

Sarasota, Florida is a retirees haven and completely unpredictable for the US elections. No wonder that every vote is fought here. About preachers, bullies and a few elephants.

From Christian Zaschke, Sarasota

It’s not like retired Priest Michael Povey lost faith in God that day three years ago. But something had changed fundamentally. He was sitting at St. Boniface Episcopal Church, a church where he lived in Sarasota, Florida, listening to the service, and he wondered, What am I doing here? He noticed that he was now thinking of God as a kind of energy, and that he no longer believed in a physical heaven, nor in a hell, even though a suspiciously reddish-orange shimmering man in the White House a good 1,500 miles further north in Washington sat who exuded fire and anger. Povey understood that the big questions have to be resolved in the here and now, and at the moment the non-existential but deeply soul-searching question is whether Donald Trump will remain President of the United States of America.

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