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Florida and the first case of the new strain of Coronavirus

According to the Florida Department of Health, on Thursday night (December 31) a man contracted the most infectious version of the new strain of Coronavirus. This variant of the COVID-19 disease was first found in the UK. The strangest part of the whole scenario is that this man has no travel history, so it is unknown how and when he contracted the virus. The man lives in Martin County and is in his early 20s. Since this person is young, experts say they have a better chance of survival and that survival is not the problem with this strain of the disease.

The presence of his case was announced on Twitter on New Year’s Day. Since then, the Florida Department of Health (FDOH) has been working with the United States Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). The sole purpose of this is to gain a thorough understanding of the case and to know why and how the strain was able to reach the U.S. However, it’s also worth noting that health officials reported the first non-related case on Tuesday. travels. California was the state that confirmed the second case on Wednesday.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), the first case of the British version of the disease was found in September and since then the virus has been a constant threat. The World Health Organization has consistently issued our warnings on precautionary measures against the virus. According to them, the UK variant of the virus is much more infectious than the one first found in Wuhan, China, last year.

Although this version is more contagious, it is not necessarily more dangerous. However, as time goes on, scientists around the world are still working with the World Health Organization (WHO) to understand the new strain of Coronavirus a little better. As research on the recent variant progresses, people are still leaning toward the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines for the latest variant of the disease. According to the CDC, those drugs remain effective and will be rolled out in different phases across the United States. Public health officials across the UK still ask Americans to wear masks, wash their hands frequently and avoid public gatherings.

But for Miami-Dade County, the supply of the COVID-19 vaccine appears limited. According to concerned health officials, older people across the United States will be among the first to receive the vaccine.

That’s because older people have more than several reasons for having a compromised immune system. These are also the people who are most likely to have open heart surgery or an implant, which can put them in a vulnerable position. Jackson Memorial Hospital in Miami-Dade County has also said that to manage the high influx of seniors, it will create an online portal.

It is portal online will handle all concerns and appointments related to vaccines. The hospital management has also said that they are waiting for another shipment of the vaccine doses. As soon as this happens, the normal vaccination route will continue.

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