Home » today » Health » Florent Pagny: “We realized that it wasn’t working”, faced with a new relapse, the artist announces that he has stopped his treatment

Florent Pagny: “We realized that it wasn’t working”, faced with a new relapse, the artist announces that he has stopped his treatment

The artist, who suffers from lung cancer, has been fighting the disease since 2022. Invited to a podcast, he confides that he suffered three relapses and stopped his treatments which had become ineffective.

While he has been battling lung cancer since 2022, Florent Pagny gave some news. Guest on the podcast of the addictologist Laurent Karila, Addictionthe singer confided in the evolution of his illness and his treatments. “When you are affected by this disease that we call the crab because it clings, it comes back without stopping, even if at one point the treatments do their job well, it has a tendency to come back”, says the singer, according to Tele-Leisurewho had access to the podcast episode scheduled for release on September 24.

The artist wants to be reassuring: “Health is fine… But with a perspective of three months for two years, he explains. There is no more treatment. Not even immunotherapy. We realized one day that it wasn’t working, there were relapses, we gave up”. Florent Pagny confides that he has experienced three relapses so far. “When it went away, we do the checks, we find nothing, it’s stable, we always have an appointment in three months. And every three months, you come to see if you’re not going back in a direction, or if you can continue in a free life. It’s a bit special”, the coach of The Voice who also admits to having turned to “Chinese medicine” to combat the side effects of treatments. He also mentions his cannabis use with irony: “Plants have always done me good.”

Also read:
“For the third time, she disappears”: Florent Pagny gives reassuring news about his cancer

“I can’t have big plans”

Concerning a possible on-stage performance, the singer prefers to be cautious, his future being conditional on the checks he must undergo regularly. “There is no question of me going back on stage for some time. I gave a good performance, and I have three months’ perspective, so I can’t have any big plans,” he told BFMTV last May. He does not lose sight of his 65th birthday, which he must celebrate with a tour planned for 2026: “It’s okay, it’s mid-2024, I still have a year and a half to do some checks, before being able to embark on long-term projects.”

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