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Florent Pagny: Scammers Impersonate Him Using AI and Steal Money From His Fans


Mathilde Desgranges

Published on August 13, 2024 at 5:19 p.m. See my news Follow News

“I don’t like social networks,” says singer Florent Pagny in the first seconds ofa three minute video posted on his Instagram account, this Monday, August 12, 2024, almost a year after his last post. “I recognize the practical side, but I especially recognize the toxic side,” he continues.

Instrumentalized in the context ofa scam Using artificial intelligence (AI), he warns his fans and invites them to fight against cybercrime.

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Fake videos of him

Recently, “garbage” as he calls them, use his image and his voice in order to create fake videos of him.

A way to manipulate fans who are “more naive and who do not know this new way of communicating”. They therefore think they have a direct, private relationship with him, and are being scammed large sums of money.

You can’t imagine for a second that an artist or a public figure, because I’m certainly not the only one in this case, can give you, through social networks, a phone number or a contact. If you haven’t met him, it’s not possible.

Florent Pagny

Videos: currently on News

Looking helpless, the singer explains not being able to do anything more to stop this scam than “make this kind of film and explain to you”.

“Stop being so naive”

In his prevention video, the singer shows the example of a video sent to a fan’s daughter, after she had smelled the scam. A video montage made with artificial intelligence shows Florent Pagny pronouncing, in a reassuring voice, the first names of the mother and daughter, as if he knew them.

“This is my voice, It’s me who speaks, but I never said thatnotes the singer. [La vidéo qu’ils utilisent]this is the film I made in 2022 to announce my problem and cancel the end of my tour.”

“Stop being so naive, it costs too much,” he insists. Some fans have reportedly been scammed out of several hundreds, thousands, even tens of thousands of euros.

Health-wise, “everything is fine”

Suffering from lung cancer, Florent Pagny nevertheless took advantage of this speech to give news about his healthIn January 2022, the singer canceled his 60th birthday tour and revealed his illness in a post on InstagramHe then indicated that he was “entering a six-month protocol of chemotherapy and X-rays.”

Today, “everything is fine,” he assures. “In the last year, I have had four check-ups, which are good, stable. But, after having experienced two relapses, we know that‘We must not cry victory too quickly. »

“My hair has grown back, my belly too, a sign of good health,” he also jokes.

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