Home » World » Florencia Raggi recalled the blooper of her first date with Nico Repetto: “It was a mess”

Florencia Raggi recalled the blooper of her first date with Nico Repetto: “It was a mess”

Written in TELEVISION on 10/9/2024 · 08:50 am

Florence Rays visited the apartment of Perfect night (El Trece) and he dared to “say goodbye” A funny anecdote with her husband Nicolás Repetto.

Recalling the beginnings of the relationship, the actress said: “When we started being with Nico I was very young, I was 22 and I said ‘I’m going to cook’. My mother made some very delicious gnocchi and I was stubborn and didn’t ask her for the recipe.“I had seen her cook them but it had been many years.”

“At that time, I was living alone and never cooked for myself. I thought I would remember. I kneaded the potato gnocchi, put them to cook and they weren’t done. They weren’t done, for me they were still hard.“, he continued.

Fun, Rays complete: “I had them for forty minutes. I told Nico: ‘They’ll be there soon.’ A huge mass remained.“I now have a 23-year-old son who is a chef.”

Finally, highlighting her husband’s good disposition, Florence hill: “Nico has eaten a pumpkin pie with peel and seeds and survived“.

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