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Florencia Bertotti shared Floricienta secrets on YouTube

16 years after the premiere of “Floricienta”, the actress Florence Bertotti shared on his channel YouTube a video reaction to the first chapter of the strip in which he was the protagonist and explained the origin of his wardrobe.


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In addition to dealing with different themes of the story, Bertotti analyzed the character’s looks and released a revealing secret: “A lot of the clothes I used in Flori belonged to Cris (Brunette). Not all, obviously, because she didn’t dress like that but many times she came with divine clothing that she no longer wore, they wore it and thus armed Floricienta’s changes, “she confessed.

In that sense, he pointed out the childish and crazy clothes that he wore in the series that he starred in with Juan Gil Navarro during the first year and with Fabio Di Tomaso, in the second season. He explained that many of those garments were provided by the producer of the strip, Cris Morena. “There were a lot of clothes that were hers,” he insisted.

Also, he took the opportunity to tell his followers that on many occasions he did not like the costumes at all and that, in fact, it was difficult for him to adapt to the aesthetics of his character.

“At first, I have to confess, that Flori’s wardrobe was difficult for me. You have to have guts! He threw everything on me. I said ‘who dresses like that?'”, He said.

“The heat! I had leggings, tulle, skirt, belt … we never knew why. Topcito, T-shirt, ‘little thing’, hat, wristband. I was missing nothing!”

To close the topic, the actress joked: “Every time I dress in colors, people tell me that I dressed up as Floricienta.”

About the opening song

The revelations of the actress were not only in the wardrobe. Bertotti shared that part of one of the most famous songs of the teenage strip was not performed by her but by a professional singer.

“I want to confess something to you … That cry is not mine, I did not sing it”, he confessed. “I dubbed it in the theater, but because I liked to think that I sang like that, but I never sang it. I do not know if I am demolishing a myth, but since we are going to say everything, “he added.

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