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Floods – we are nearing the end of protection – Danube Bend Region

We are nearing the end of flood protection, we have every opportunity to look forward to the remaining days or two as optimistically as possible – Prime Minister Viktor Orbán announced at a press conference in Budapest after Monday morning meeting of the flood protection task force.

We have to hold out, a day and a half or two, and the country can breathe a sigh of relief, said the prime minister, pointing out that the meteorologists have not yet indicated precipitation, so the wave of prices is not expected to continue – filling.

According to your information

the Danube reaches its height at noon at Baja, a third level of preparation was ordered there, and a second level of preparation was ordered at Mohács.

He also mentioned that the upper part of the river is going down faster than expected. Now we are getting out of trouble and the pressure is reducing – said Viktor Orbán.

According to his information, the level of the Danube fell 80 centimeters at Mosonmagyaróvár, 136 at Esztergom, 92 at Vác, 74 at the capital, and 17 at Dunaújváros, and subsidence also began at Paks, the Rába at Győr has gone down by 130 centimeters. .

He said: on Saturday, 755 kilometers were protected, and on Sunday, 706 kilometers, and the third level of preparation was only on a 223-kilometer section.

5,025 people took part in the defense on Saturday and 4,458 on Sunday, the number of volunteers helping them decreased to 195. The number of sandbags sent is not increasing either, stop we at 1,903,100, he said.

Talking about the most difficult places, the Prime Minister mentioned that there is no change in Pilismarót, Vácott, Dunabogdany, Tahitótfalu, Leányfalu, Kismaros.it’s ok“, just like Margitsziget in Budapest, and Batthyány tér metro station can also be returned to traffic.

He said the recession also started on the Kisapostag observed over the weekend, “there will be no problem there at all„, Dunaföldvár, Madocsa, Pakistan well; At Bata, a temporary defense was erected to protect the buildings.

Water level forecast on the Hungarian section of the Danube, September 22-28, 2024.

In response to a question, the prime minister assessed that the wisdom of the people that the yield is the deciding factor is particularly true for floods. We managed to keep the water in the river bed, there was only one section where this was not possible, it had to be released, but the water did not break through there anymore more, but it was released by the experts at Lajta.

The historical data is important, the peak on the Danube was so high that it did not exceed the highest level measured before. The water level at Lajta was at an all-time high, with the temporary water reservoirs created here and by opening one of them, they were able to protect this difficult region as well, he recalled .

If the water stays in the bed, there is nothing wrong, the protection is successful – he concluded.

He noted that the situation was complicated, that some sections of the flood are covered by the state and other sections by the local government, and sometimes we have to help each other, it did not cause a problem any

It turned out that if there is a problem, the Hungarians can protect their settlements by flexibly defining the legal framework and helping each other, and they can avoid the problem. Based on the information available today, he can only say the best about the cooperation of those involved in defense, he said.

Viktor Orbán also reminded that there is a situation to withdraw from protection, but there is no action that has not already been completed.

He said that once the flood recedes, public health actions will continue, and the national chief medical officer Cecília Müller will give information about them from Tuesday. At Monday’s staff meeting, it was said that the work related to this was distributed and the actions described, he noted.

He also recalled that the total cost of protection during the 2013 Danube flood was HUF 19.6 billion, and the budget of the water department was HUF 9.8 billion – at today’s prices it was HUF 16 billion, but now it is expected that it will be around HUF 5 billion.

Answering the question about possible mistakes, he emphasized that the work of state agencies is determined by the result. “Hungary – Danube flood: 1-0 here“, he said.

According to his assessment, he met well-prepared professionals during the defense, no one “say it” this work, not the national defense, or the police, or disaster management, or the water experts.

After the flood recedes, they will evaluate the experiences and summarize where the sections that should be protected with permanent protection, said Viktor Orbán, who also pointed out that the end result is worth announcing too early, these two. days still want us to keep discipline.

In response to a question, he reminded that the “migration penalty” has already been collected from the companies operating in Hungary, the Hungarian people will not lift the cover to pay the penalty.

Talking about the illegal waste dumping in Csepel, he said that he received an encouraging response from the authorities, but he raised the question why there is illegal waste dumping at all.

He said that the current user or owner of the area must take care of the garbage. “I don’t think this is a good rule“, he assessed, saying: it would seem reasonable if the state cleans up the illegal waste and then pays for it.

Regarding the possible debate with Peter Magyar, the prime minister emphasized: he always responds when he has something to say, and the parliament is the permanent place for debates. There is a place and time for conflicts outside of that too, that too will come, but not now, said Viktor Orbán.


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