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Floods Submerge 8,600 Houses in Pasuruan, Water Levels Reach 1.5 Meters


Flood in the District Pasuruan, East Java submerged 8,600 residents’ houses in Rejoso, Grati and Winongan sub-districts. The water level even reaches 1.5 meters.

Reported detikJatim, Saturday (11/2/2023), the worst floods were in Kedawungwetan Village and Kedawungkulon Village, Grati District. In this location, 3,430 houses were submerged in floods ranging from 80 cm to 1.5 meters.

Floods are caused by the overflow of the Rejoso River and its tributaries due to long and continuous high-intensity rains.

The 25 meter long embankment of the Rejoso River in Adirogo Hamlet, Kedawungkulon Village, also caused the river to flow more swiftly into settlements.

Meanwhile, Deputy Regent PasuruanA Mujib Imron, encouraged the East Java Provincial Government to immediately normalize the Rejoso River and other rivers to reduce the risk of flooding.

“Earlier there was the Head of the Gembong Pekalen Center, we spoke and conveyed it directly in front of the residents that the Rejoso River really needs to be handled. The handling must also cover all rivers in Pasuruan,” he said, Saturday (11/2/2023).

Check out the full news at here.


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