The exceptional flooding of the past few days has caused significant damage to some shops and businesses near the waterways. What should you do if you suffer damage? The Wirtschaftsförderungsgesellschaft (WFG) gives tips on the steps to be taken, aid packages, links and useful numbers.
The following numbers should be dialed in emergencies:
1722 (or, during storms or floods, when you need the fire brigade but there is no danger to your life.
112, for any emergency response when a life is in danger.
Before and during a flood, a checklist should be followed in order to be able to act immediately. For more information, see
If you suffer damage as a result of a exceptional weather event Suffered (rain, flood, storm, etc.):
– Take photos, keep all useful evidence of the damage (repair estimate, invoice for the work, etc.);
– submit a loss report. List and document the damage in as much detail as possible. Do not throw away damaged items as they can be useful for your insurance;
– contact your insurance company as soon as possible. Most damage caused by a weather event is covered by your insurance, depending on which insurance you have taken out;
– check the coverage of your insurance policies;
– be careful! Only carry out urgent repairs to limit the damage if your insurance company has not yet been on site;
– contact the local authority where the damage occurred. It is the local authority that must collect the necessary information for a possible application for Disaster Fund recognition.
Regardless of whether you are self-employed or run a company (SME), there are a number of support mechanisms that can be used in the event of difficulties.
– as Self-employed: Contact your social security fund, as the bridging right and an exemption from social security fund contributions can be applied for under certain conditions;
– as employer: If the proper performance of the work becomes impossible due to an extraordinary event, your employees could be placed in unemployment due to force majeure. There are also several options in cases where the employee cannot go to work due to adverse weather conditions.
Given the magnitude of the storms of the last few days and their impact on the professional activities of many entrepreneurs, the Sowalfin company has one Emergency mechanism Set up to pre-finance the interventions of the insurance companies and / or the Disaster Fund of the Walloon Region.
The entrepreneur has the choice between two options (not cumulative):
– Loans emergency floods – up to 50,000 euros;
– Ricochet loan NEW – up to 100,000 euros.
The Walloon Region Disaster Fund can intervene to compensate individuals and companies for damage to goods that are normally uninsurable. The insurance companies compensate most of the “normal” claims (through fire insurance, omnium insurance for vehicles under 5 years of age, …). It is the local authorities who apply to the regional authorities for disaster recognition. Once the disaster has been recognized (by publication in the Belgian State Gazette), the owner of the damaged property has up to three months to submit his request for assistance to the Wallonia Disaster Service. The relevant forms are available from the municipal administration or online. (Source: (red/sc)
Info: Regional Disaster Service, 100 Avenue Governor Bovesse, 5100 Jambes; Tel .: 081/32 32 00; Mail: [email protected]
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