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Flights from Leipzig/Halle to Frankfurt and Munich have been cancelled

Halle (Saale)/MZ/dpa/mil – According to the Verdi union, around 70 employees took part in a warning strike at Leipzig/Halle Airport from Thursday to Friday. Aviation security employees are demanding an increase in the surcharges for night, public holiday and weekend work, as well as better regulations for paying overtime. Collective bargaining has been ongoing since January 2020.

The warning strike has now ended, as spokesmen for Verdi and Mitteldeutsche Flughafen AG confirmed on Friday morning. The strike ended “as planned with the change from night to day shift,” said airport spokesman Arne Schwerin. Nevertheless, individual flight connections will probably still be affected by the strike by the United Services Union until Saturday morning.

While the strike at Leipzig/Halle Airport has already ended, the strike at several airports in Germany will continue until Saturday morning. These include important hubs such as Munich and Frankfurt am Main airports. The strikes there also affect connections from Leipzig/Halle and Dresden, according to airport spokesman Schwerin.

By Saturday morning there will be a total of six flights to Munich and Frankfurt/Main that will not depart from Leipzig/Halle as planned. The last thing affected is the early departure to Munich on Saturday at 6:05 a.m.

According to trade union information, a parallel strike that Verdi organized in Leipzig on Friday and which affects daycare centers and the Leipzig public transport company, among other things, is not directly related to the warning strikes at airports.

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