Home » today » Technology » Flickr adds the new “Virtual Photos” category to help users find game screenshots – Engadget

Flickr adds the new “Virtual Photos” category to help users find game screenshots – Engadget

Virtual photography on Flickr

Flickr will be in addition to the three existing categories of photos, illustrations, graphics and screenshots,Added a category of “Virtual Photography”, to help users search for game screenshots more easily. This is mainly due to the fact that Flickr recognizes that many games have fairly comprehensive and complex built-in image capture mechanisms, which not only can adjust the focal length, depth of field and other parameters to simulate real cameras more freely, and many they can even add filters. , it is very different from a simple screen, but it is not suitable for classification in photos.

In the blog post, Flickr explained that this is primarily for setting filters, making it easier to avoid photos or screenshots if you only want to search for virtual photos. Flickr’s move shows that the quality and fidelity of modern games continue to improve, causing virtual scenes to begin to move away from simple screenshots and gradually move closer to the real world. Also, if the metaverse can really develop steadily, photos “taken” in the metaverse world can also be viewed using this category.

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