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Flexible financing of road construction | Vogelsbergkreis

Mosquito (pm). Dirk Neumann speaks out for the SPD Mücke with regard to road construction contributions. The compromise decided by the municipal council was not rejected by the local authority because of the lack of counter-financing. The actual reason for the mayor’s or the municipal board’s objection to the resolution was the advice from the municipal supervisory authority that “a temporary suspension of a statute is not fundamentally possible”.

“We want to abolish the contributions,” report Thomas Röhrich and Carmen Beck. The argument against the abolition of a “missing” counter-financing could not stand as it is. Because the municipal code regulates that budgets should be balanced. “It just has to be checked every year to see what kind of measures are pending and what is the budget situation. If necessary, this can lead to changes in the assessment rates, ”says Diethelm Tröller. “That was also the case with the 2019/20 double budget, when, at the suggestion of the mayor, the assessment rates for property and trade tax were gradually increased significantly in order to finance additional expenses in the kindergarten area.”

Even with a possible deferral of road tolls, residents would have to pay the contributions, just spread over 20 years. On the other hand, the municipality would have to pay the total costs for the expansion straight away. »How is the contribution currently being financed? If there are no funds, through loans and also through tax increases. Then the contributions can be abolished immediately. “

Water supply partly very old

As far as the water supply is concerned, Ottmar Traum says that it is common knowledge that a lot has also been invested in this area. The wells and elevated tanks have all been renewed and brought up to date with modern technology. Water pipes would be renewed in connection with road construction work or if necessary, and millions would be spent on this. “But we can’t do everything at once.”

It is clear that the water pipes – especially from the post-war period – are partly in poor condition. Therefore, for the renewal of water pipes in the 2017/2018 budget, an amount of 150,000 euros is planned for 2018 and an annual amount of 250,000 euros for the following years.

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