In absolute figures, Flanders had 184,952 jobseekers unemployed in July. Compared to a year earlier, this is a decrease of 6.8 percent. As a result, the unemployment rate (also known as the jobseeker rate) – the ratio of the number of unemployed job seekers to the labor force – in Flanders came to 5.8 percent. In July 2021 it was still 6.3 percent.
Compared to June this year, the number of unemployed job seekers rose by 12,222 in July. Last month, 28,094 citizens entered as jobseekers without a job, while 15,872 left (77 percent of whom found a job).
The high influx in July is partly due to the registration of school leavers. The many job students, who often replace temporary contracts, also contribute to the traditional temporary peak of the unemployment rate during the summer months.