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Flemish parents divided over shorter summer holidays

Slightly more than half of the parents are in favor of a shorter summer vacation.

A survey of more than 14,000 parents by the VCOV parents’ association shows that the Flemish parents of school-age children are divided about a possible shortening of the summer holiday. The survey came after the French-language education had decided to shorten the summer holidays by about two weeks from next school year, in exchange for an extra week of autumn and spring break. (DS 3 november).

‘Opinions differ widely’, says Karolien Bouchet, the director of education at the VCOV. ‘43.1 percent of the parents want to keep the two-month summer vacation. They often refer to the fact that the family, society and work situation are geared to two months of vacation.’

The parents also disagree about the alternatives. Just under half of the parents (44.5 percent) prefer to shorten the summer holidays by two weeks, coupled with extending the autumn and spring break. Twenty percent would like to see the summer holidays shortened without further ado, others opt for a longer Christmas holiday and a week’s holiday in May in exchange for an extended weekend.

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