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Fleming flies to Las Vegas to receive vaccine: “On yet …

On Tuesday, Cain Ransbottyn (42) registered from our country for an injection at a random vaccination center in Las Vegas. Barely 24 hours later, the Antwerp resident was effectively administered the Moderna vaccine. “I got on a plane and less than a day later I have my freedom back, it’s fantastic.”

For the time being it is not yet allowed to make a non-essential trip from our country, but thanks to his American visa, Cain Ransbottyn from Brasschaat is allowed to do it. It gave him the idea of ​​getting vaccinated on American soil. “I was fed up with the corona policy that Belgium is pursuing and I think the vaccination strategy is absurd. We have to put ourselves on a virtual waiting list in true Tomorrowland style, unthinkable. ”

Ransbottyn then decided to do things differently. On Tuesday, he registered online at a vaccination center in Las Vegas and booked a plane ticket. “A few hours later I took off from Zaventem. I landed, went to the vaccination center and got my injection, ”he says. “I have secured my health in less than 24 hours. In Belgium it takes 24 weeks, but in the United States they do know how to tackle things. ”

Theme park

Ransbottyn hadn’t counted on one thing: the break from the Johnson & Johnson vaccine after six cases of blood clots and low platelet counts were revealed in the US. “That news trickled in just before I got on the plane. On the one hand, I think it’s good that America is reacting so quickly again and decides not to administer the vaccine anymore, on the other hand it disrupted my plans. I had expected that I would only need one J&J shot, now I have to return within four weeks for a second shot of the Moderna vaccine. ” It is worth it to him that he spends such a hefty amount on plane tickets. “Actually, the Belgian government should pay for this, but that will not happen. Still, I am happy that I have taken my health into my own hands. ”

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The integral vlog of Ransbottyn

The vaccination itself went smoothly. Ransbottyn claimed to be in an amusement park. “You are encouraged here when you come to get an injection,” he says. “And when it’s over, they shout ‘happy vaccination day’ and urge you to send family and friends. It’s all very American, but the atmosphere is great. Afterwards I went to get a donut. ” Restaurant visits and even a pool party will follow in the coming days. “Almost everyone here has been vaccinated, it is really safe.”

When he lands again in Belgium within a few days, the sobering follows: a week of quarantine. “And while I’m vaccinated, it’s the upside-down world.”

Ransbottyn filmed the entire adventure and posted the vlog on Youtube. By the way, the man is not short of a stunt. He has made headlines several times in the past by taking up challenges or overhauling policy. Recently he invited an escort to cut his hair.

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