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Flatulence and 8 Early Signs of Stomach Cancer That Can’t Be Neglected – All Pages


Stomach cancer symptoms to watch out for

GridHEALTH.idStomach cancer is a condition of abnormal cell growth in a person’s stomach.

Also known as stomach cancer, this type of cancer can affect any part of the stomach.

Launch Mayo ClinicThe part of the stomach that is most commonly affected by cancer is the main part or stomach.

The exact cause of this condition is unknown, but there are several factors that can influence the growth of stomach cancer.

These include obesity, consuming too much salty and smoky food, not consuming enough vegetables and fruit, heredity, smoking, stomach polyps, and a long-term history of stomach inflammation.

It’s very important to know early symptoms of stomach cancerso they can get treatment as soon as possible.

Stomach Cancer Symptoms

Reported from Cleveland ClinicHere are eight early symptoms of stomach cancer to watch out for.

1. Bloated stomach

Stomach cancer makes you feel full and tight. This is because the walls of the stomach experience stiffness and its capacity to store food is also reduced.

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If stomach cancer has spread to the lining of the stomach, there will be accumulation of fluid in the abdominal cavity.

As a result, the stomach will experience tremendous bloating and make it big, like nine months pregnant.

2. Stomach acid rises

Rising stomach acid is actually a very common thing and nothing to worry about.

However, this should be watched out for, especially if it lasts a very long time despite taking drugs.

Cancer that grows in the stomach, is able to make fluid accumulate and make the digestive tract blocked, so that food returns to the esophagus.

3. Nausea and vomiting

Another early sign of stomach cancer is feeling nauseous and wanting to throw up. Tumors in the digestive tract, blocking the passage of food and drink to reach the duodenum, the first part of the intestine.

When you can’t go anywhere, food and drink finally give a signal to the brain to cause the sensation of nausea.

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4. Feeling uncomfortable

When you have stomach cancer, your body may feel that something is wrong. This feeling arises due to the spread of cancer in the lining of the stomach wall.

5. Weight loss suddenly

If you feel other symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, and flatulence, your appetite will decrease because you are sick.

NahBecause of this condition, someone who has stomach cancer will experience a drastic weight loss.

6. Fatigue

Slow blood loss and unexpected weight loss are early signs of stomach cancer.

Loss of blood can also cause a person to become anemic, thus making him tired more easily than usual.

7. There is blood in the stool

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Symptoms of bleeding during bowel movements are less common than others. When you have a bowel movement you may notice that your stools have turned very dark and this is known as melena.

These symptoms can only be noticed if the bleeding is profuse. If it’s just a little, maybe it can just be the best.

8. Satiety

The last early sign of stomach cancer to look out for is a feeling of fullness, even though you’ve just eaten a little.

Also known as “early satiety”, the body can no longer enjoy all the food consumed, because it feels full.

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