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Flat rate VAT numbers, news on flat tax and personal income tax

The Minister of Economy, Daniele Franco, he uncovered the cards and clarified the government’s fiscal objectives. Reform of the personal income tax, progressive accompaniment towards the ordinary regime for VAT numbers on a flat-rate basis e gradual removal of IRAP.

Lots of meat to cook, little time to complete the reforms and no timetable on the table (join TheWam community and receive all the news on WhatsApp, Telegram and Facebook).

The road to reform is bumpy, but everyone seems to agree a little. Greater progressiveness in IRPEF would help the middle class and a progressive accompaniment towards the ordinary regime is hoped for by VAT numbers with limit invoices.

VAT numbers on a flat-rate basis, hypothesis in the field

The most accredited hypothesis is that the VAT numbers on a flat-rate basis maintain the flat tax as far as 65.000 euro of turnover.

Beyond that threshold, today, we pass to the ordinary regime, so they face each other IRPEF and the regular payment of VAT.

Tomorrow, however, you should move into a transitional regime of two years, where the fixed fee to be paid is estimated at 20% (al 10% for those still in 5% subsidized regime).

However, it seems that to access this particular option, there must be an increase in the volume of business in the two tax periods at least 10%.

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VAT numbers on a flat-rate basis, times

The announcement a few months ago about the desire to be able to publish one delegation law by the end of July it seems to have resulted in a stalemate.

On the other hand also Draghi, in Press conference, he specified that a discussion on the matter is not yet planned next week.

There are many dossiers to manage, September is approaching the school and the preparation for the new one budget law. In short, there is a lot to do, but the government seems motivated and impose a fast pace to his ministers and to press Parliament on the hottest issues.

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