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Flashed on the BAB 9, km 0.06 in the direction of AD Nuthetal – prevent fines and points!

You have received a hearing form from the Central Fine Office in Gransee because you are said to have exceeded the maximum speed of 100 km / h outside built-up areas? Then an experienced defense attorney can save you the impending fine, points or driving ban. If the speed is exceeded by 21 km / h, the first point threatens, from 26 km / h already a month’s driving ban.

The speed camera is set up almost 60 meters before the name change from BAB 9 to BAB 10 – in the middle of the Potsdam motorway triangle. In the area of ​​the crossing from the BAB 9 to the BAB 10, regardless of the direction of travel, a maximum speed of 100 km / h applies. There is signage on both sides in front of the fork. About 200 meters in front of it, there is a warning on both sides of a limit of 120 km / h. Such a “speed funnel” is not uncommon at motorway junctions and is therefore not a surprising event. Because of the work on the major construction site in Michendorf, the maximum speed limit was even reduced to 60 km / h at times. Here only an extension of this normal funnel took place. The Potsdam District Court therefore only affirms a momentary failure in exceptional cases.

But the real guarantee for the success of your objection are the weaknesses of the single-sided sensor ESO ES 8.0.

This speed camera is equipped with a sensor head (measuring beam). The sensors on it measure the differences in brightness caused by arriving vehicles and the respective distance to the measuring device. This allows the travel time required for the entered measuring distance to be determined and thus the speed to be calculated. If the limit value is exceeded, the camera is triggered.

However, this measuring method means that even simple light reflections (such as the shadow of your own or another car, trees or boundaries) can influence the measuring process to your detriment. The same effect occurs when the speed camera is exposed to direct sunlight.

There are allocation problems with convoy trips, overtaking maneuvers and the like. It is then not always possible to correctly determine whether the displayed speed actually belongs to the vehicle shown.

The device must be set up exactly parallel to the roadway. Likewise, the angle of inclination of the roadway must be exactly transferred to the device. In the case of so-called “inclined travel”, the speed display will always be higher than the actual value.

According to No. 18.3 Appendix B to § 12 EichO, this device requires a valid calibration at the time of measurement. If this has expired, the entire series of measurements must be canceled.

These and other errors can be found by evaluating your raw measurement data and measurement protocols.

Attorney Andreas Junge has your data analyzed by one of the most respected testing institutes in the state of Brandenburg. Their expert opinion is the basis for applications for evidence with which the Potsdam District Court can prove that your measurement is unusable. The result is an acquittal or the termination of your proceedings. In this case, you are spared points in the driving aptitude register (formerly the central traffic register) in Flensburg or even a driving ban.

If you have legal protection insurance, you will not incur any costs for the entire procedure.

Important: Report to a lawyer specializing in regulatory offense law at an early stage, ideally when you have received a hearing from the authority. The sooner you report, the more effective the defense.

Just send an email or call Andreas Junge’s office. He has his office in Berlin and a branch in Cottbus. The initial legal consultation is free of charge in any case. You can also contact us at short notice via mobile phone: 01792346907. The usual messenger services are available. This contact is possible at any time, unproblematic and free of charge.

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