[Info pratique : qualité de l’eau ]
Runéo informs its customers in the municipality of Saint-Louis that following the latest bad weather, the water distributed may become cloudy (increase in turbidity) in the following sectors:
Subscribers must take the precaution of not consuming tap water, and in particular not using the water for drinking or preparing food; favor non-food uses (toilet, WC, cleaning, etc.); and prefer the consumption of bottled water or, failing that, boil tap water beforehand for at least 3 minutes.
These provisions remain valid until the announcement of a return to normal by our teams.
Runéo thanks its customers for their understanding and will keep them informed of the evolution of the situation.
![Flash – Saint-Louis (97450): [Info pratique : qualité de l’eau ]Runéo informs its clients of the… Flash – Saint-Louis (97450): [Info pratique : qualité de l’eau ]Runéo informs its clients of the…](https://scontent-lhr8-2.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t39.30808-6/333050142_504059135275810_4320263977515597772_n.jpg?_nc_cat=102&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=8bfeb9&_nc_ohc=HzFIuQalP5IAX_QXo9N&_nc_ht=scontent-lhr8-2.xx&edm=ALdPpPkEAAAA&oh=00_AfCKfdgkzjQU4bPWyQaskRNH3C76-lc5807WXkYRMzHPVQ&oe=640A724B)