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Flash Mob Protests Against Petty Crimes: Alliance for Zero Pedestrian Deaths Leads Demonstrations in Taiwan

▲Against the indifference of minor crimes, right-of-way groups led by the Alliance for Zero Pedestrian Deaths joined forces with seven counties and cities in Taiwan to stage flash mob protests on the streets today (17th). (Photo/photo by reporter Zhu Yongqiang)

[NOWnews今日新聞] Last year (2023), there were more than 3,000 traffic fatalities and injuries, and the number of injured reached a new high of 530,000. However, the Ministry of Transportation did not review and improve, but allowed traffic violations in disguise. Traffic violations with 10 fines of less than 1,200 yuan are not open. Right-of-way groups are dissatisfied with the reporting and planning of minor crimes without remembering them. Right-of-way groups headed by the Alliance for Zero Pedestrian Deaths launched a series of flash mob protests in seven counties and cities across Taiwan today (17th). People dressed in black crossed the road and held up slogans shouting “Give us back the rule of law on traffic” and “Stop destroying traffic.” “Safety” and “The Legislative Yuan returns the evil law” and other appeals are to be heard by more people, to block the Legislative Yuan from passing on the road to review and fix the evil, and to restore the safety of the people.

▲A right-of-way group led by the Zero Pedestrian Death Promotion Alliance opposes the lack of demerit for minor crimes. Today (17th), 7 counties and cities in Taiwan will join forces to protest in flash mobs on the streets. (Photo/photo by reporter Zhu Yongqiang)

Last year, the Ministry of Transportation increased the fine for cars not yielding to pedestrians by NT$6,000. At the same time, it also introduced a new demerit system, including illegal parking at intersections, bus stops, and double parking. In addition to the original fines, new demerit penalties were added. , and are open to reporting; illegal parking on sidewalks, arcades, etc. are also open to public reporting. However, after the new demerit system was put on the road, professional drivers faced the impact of having their driver’s licenses suspended or revoked, and many ordinary drivers were demerited for illegal parking, causing public complaints.

Therefore, the Executive Yuan recently passed the revised draft of the “Road Traffic Management Punishment Ordinance”, including 10 fines of less than 1,200 yuan for traffic violations that are not open to reports, and the development of minor crimes without demerit points, and sent it to the Legislative Yuan for review. However, it also caused dissatisfaction among right-of-way groups. , it is questioned that this not only infringes on the rights of vulnerable road users, is unfair to law-abiding drivers, and allows violations in disguise. Once an accident occurs in these places, it will cause serious casualties. It makes people question whether such a policy will go back and follow the 2030 death and injury reduction plan set by the ruling party last year. A half-promise can be said to be completely contrary to the promise.

Last year, there were more than 3,000 traffic fatalities and injuries, and the number of injuries reached a record high of 530,000. The Ministry of Transportation did not review or improve, but allowed traffic violations in disguise. It was also found that the number of suspensions last year did not increase, but dropped by more than 10,000 by nearly half. Without improvement in transportation engineering and education, humanistic policies should not go back. Transportation reform is bound to have a period of pain, but “human lives” cannot be weighed against public grievances.

▲Against the indifference of minor crimes, right-of-way groups organized flash mob protests on the streets of seven counties and cities in Taiwan today (17th). Chen Kaining, chairman of the Zero Pedestrian Death Promotion Alliance, also explained their demands at the scene. (Photo/photo by reporter Zhu Yongqiang)

In order to prevent the Legislative Yuan from amending the road traffic law, the Zero Pedestrian Death Promotion Alliance, the Taiwan Association for the Promotion of Rights of Persons with Disabilities, the Next Generation Student Pedestrian Rights of Road Alliance, the Taiwan Motorcycle Rights of Road Promotion Association, the Tainan Humanistic Transportation Promotion Association and Parent-Children Groups and other right-of-way groups joined together in seven counties and cities including Taipei, Taoyuan, Hsinchu, Taichung, Yunlin, Tainan and Kaohsiung at 10:10 a.m. today to stage a “Flash Mob Monopoly” street protest.

▲Against the indifference of petty crimes, right-of-way groups organized a series of flash mob protests in seven counties and cities across Taiwan today (17th). (Photo/photo by reporter Zhu Yongqiang)

The participating people, dressed in black, carried out a 10-minute flash mob across the street holding signs to protest. Representative Taipei City Councilor Lee Ming-hsien, Chairman of the Force of the Times and former legislator Wang Wanyu, and traffic accident victims also came to the scene to express their support, and the people even raised slogans in unison. They shouted “Give us back the rule of law on traffic”, “Stop harming traffic safety and stop harming the next generation”, “The Legislative Yuan returns the evil law”, “Law enforcement should not go back until engineering and education are improved” and other demands.

▲Against the indifference of petty crimes, right-of-way groups organized a series of flash mob protests in seven counties and cities across Taiwan today (17th). Times Power Chairman and former legislator Wang Wanyu also came to support. (Photo/photo by reporter Zhu Yongqiang)

In addition to holding a series of flash mob protests today, in order to oppose road repairs, stop damaging traffic, and return the bill to amend the law, the right-of-way groups will also hold a rally and march at the Legislative Yuan on the afternoon of March 23, hoping that the proposed 5 Big demands can be heard by the government, and we hope that legislators can block unreasonable bills.

The five major demands put forward by right-of-way groups include improvement of road projects, planning of supporting measures, reform of driving training and education, strengthening of traffic law enforcement and the return of draft amendments to the law. The Zero Death Promotion Alliance believes that roads should be planned with reasonable pick-up and drop-off areas, temporary parking spaces, vehicle avoidance turns, unloading areas, etc. to address the needs of professional drivers from the root. It also proposes improvement plans and deadlines, and cannot delay violations for a long time. Normalization, before the road environment is improved, relevant supporting measures should be taken, such as triangular cones or vehicle stop warnings when unloading trucks, to ensure that professional drivers loading and unloading passengers and goods will not affect traffic safety, and should be uncomfortable Relevant training systems for independent driving, elderly driving, etc., and establishing a system for reasonable management and control of drivers. More publicity and education should also be provided to ensure that people can get on and off taxis at legal locations.

Since the government refuses cooperation between the police and citizens, it must shoulder its responsibilities, specifically assess and plan law enforcement manpower needs, and improve the problem of insufficient law enforcement capacity. At the same time, the Legislative Yuan should return the bill before reaching public consensus, and hold public hearings with relevant groups to incorporate the opinions of various groups, jointly discuss engineering design regulations and policies to improve traffic issues, and avoid creating conflicts between road users.

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2024-03-17 04:12:53
#Flash #mob #protests #counties #cities #minor #crimes #rightofway #groups

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