Home » Technology » Fixing Screen Burn-In and Image Retention: iOS 17.1 Update Takes Care of the Problem

Fixing Screen Burn-In and Image Retention: iOS 17.1 Update Takes Care of the Problem


Wednesday 18 October 2023 / 17:02

Some iPhone 15 Pro Max users complained of severe screen burn-in, which leads to a ghostly image of a previous page remaining on the screen, no matter what you do with the device.

The worst example of this problem was one that showed the on-screen virtual keyboard and the letters on each key, even when the screen was turned off. Units with serious screen burn-in must be replaced by Apple, under the original warranty that came with the device.

There is a similar problem that is not as serious as screen burn-in, called image retention, and given that Apple is including a fix for the problem in the iOS 17.1 update, some of the images that showed screens suffering from burn-in were actually showing screens with a saved image, and most phones equipped with image retention technology were from The recently released iPhone 15 series, although older models belonging to the iPhone 13 Pro and iPhone 12 Pro series suffered from the same problem.

Unlike screen burn-in, which is a hardware issue, image retention may, but not always, be related to a software issue, as is the case with screen burn-in. Apple’s prior notes regarding the upcoming iOS 17.1 update indicate that the release will fix an issue that may cause the image to continue to display. Apple discovered that this software issue mimics screen burn-in.

The iOS 17.1 update also fixes an issue that causes an important location privacy setting to be reset when pairing with an Apple Watch for the first time. Another bug prevents users from selecting purchased and custom ringtones to use as a text tone.

The update will also improve how the iPhone’s car crash detection system works with the iPhone 14 and iPhone 15 models, while another fix will eliminate a bug that makes the keyboards on affected iPhone units less responsive, according to the website. von Ahrena.

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