With the operation called Terrah pour Territory of Avignon-Hospital 2030l’Henri Dufaut establishmentwhich covers an area of 600,000 inhabitants, is committed to a major architectural and organizational overhaul to meet today’s health expectations. The set consists of two towers created in 1981 to accommodate an activity that was carried out within the walls of Avignon in premises now occupied by the university. The site protected from the Durance by a dyke then hosted, in 1990, a mother-child unit, an early medical-social action center (patients under six years old) two years later, then the Village for the elderly in 1994, a major extension to the south in 2010 and a pharmacy in 2017.
Today, the renovation project of the Avignon hospital aims to ensure that the two towers of 270 medical beds for one, 130 surgical beds for the other, meet today’s comfort conditions. today. Tomorrow, 75% of rooms will have an individual bathroom. The project also provides for an extension and restructuring of adult intensive care and emergency services as well as an increase in the capacity of the hemodialysis center from 16 to 32 posts. Rehabilitation is being carried out without stopping the various activities of the 3,500 employees of the support establishment with 960 beds from the 10 other local hospitals in the living area. ” We have been working on this project for ten years “, precise Cecile Politoassistant to the director of the hospital center, pilot of the Terrah cell which has Karine Coppet and Lauriane Roche, works engineers and Christel Allezardorganization engineer, accompanied by A2MO as a project management assistant (AMO).
Violaine Démaret, prefect of Vaucluse, presents the major works of 2023
Four phases for the works of the Avignon hospital
Such a project, valued at €117 million, will be carried out in quatre phases with the first building permit applications at the end of February, the launch of consultations by the Regional Health Agency (ARS) in the wake of the first works launched at the end of 2023. The Terrah team will first tackle the intensive care unit become undersized, in high tension during the Covid. This €60 million excluding tax project, scheduled for delivery in 2026, will allow an increase in capacity from 20 to 30 critical care beds thanks to a new construction of 700 m2 SDO (usable area plus the footprint of traffic and technical rooms excluding the surfaces of constructed works, for example the service ducts or the structural elements of the building) on free land to the north of the central operating theater and to the west of the current intensive care unit to facilitate the connection. The current unit of 2000 m2 will benefit from a restructuring with the creation of eight new rooms to current standards of 19 m2 without loss of charge for the service.
Avignon: the Rocher des Doms garden will regain its former glory
New building
The next phase will focus on the realization of a new building to respond to the reception of patients before the restructuring of the two towers. This unit of 5,400 m2 will be erected on the central wooded park surrounded by the various successive constructions. The €12 million excluding VAT of works will allow the reception of a chronic dialysis center with 32 places and around 80 individual hospital rooms. This unit, scheduled to open in 2026, will then make it possible to tackle the construction site of the two historic towers which each have 56 beds per floor.

Before this last phase, rehabilitation will have tackled the modernization of adult emergencies. With the objective of resizing the spaces for welcome 75,000 patients per year and respond to the “zero stretcher in the corridors” technique and the construction of boxes to ensure patient privacy during medical examinations. The project provides for a new construction of 900 m2 and the restructuring of the 1,700 m2 current, all for an amount of €7 million excluding tax. Delivery expected in 2027.
Towers A and B
For the last phase, everything will start with tower B in R+6, equipped with beds from R+2. The engineering teams plan to move all the patients to the new building beforehand to carry out the various operations with the greatest comfort. Whether the main hot and cold production unit has been completely renovated, future work will focus on all of the finishing work for this level 1 building open to the public (ERP). Its building permit, filed before 1980, does not include current fire standards. All the rooms, staff rooms, dry and wet columns will benefit from a complete renovation with delivery scheduled for 2027.

Then, the companies will work on tower A in R+7 in two successive phases. The rehabilitation of the two buildings will cover 21,000 m2 SDO which will accommodate 300 beds and two outpatient facilities at a cost of €37 million excluding tax. Completion scheduled for 2031.
To ensure the preparation of works, the Terrah division relies on Citadis, Barbosa-Vivier architects (75), the multidisciplinary design office Egis building south et Before for the treatment ofasbestos.
Within five years, the entire Vaucluse living area will have equipment that meets the latest comfort requirements for both patients and staff.