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Five winners of the MINTchallenge International have been chosen

In the professional fields of mathematics, computer science, natural and technical sciences (MINT) There is a workforce gap of almost 290,000 people in Germany. One way to reduce this gap is to successfully integrate international MINT students into the labor market and society. The Stifterverband and the Fritz Henkel Foundation have therefore looked for university projects that open up paths for international MINT students into the German job market.

Five universities were able to convince the jury with their projects: In addition to language acquisition and social integration, it is also about establishing and expanding paths into the German job market – for example through thinkathons with international students and companies in which solutions to specific challenges are sought, or application and design thinking coaching to reflect on personal career paths. Other successful measures include creating places where international MINT students can exchange ideas or organizing career fairs with regional business partners. The following universities will each be funded with 5,000 euros for their respective approaches:

  • Brandenburg University of Technology with the project “Women’s Café for International Students”
  • Technical University of Dresden with the project “ThinkTUon – Integration of international students into the German job market through thinkathons”
  • Chemnitz University of Technology with the “Career Coach” project
  • Reutlingen University with the project “Designing your MINT studies & Work-Life @ TEC Reutlingen group coaching program”
  • Technical University of Dortmund with the project “International Career Fair at TU Dortmund”

The five universities will start the workshop phase in November. Here, existing projects are further developed in a peer process with external expertise. This process should also develop ideas and solutions that go beyond the project nature and can be used by other universities to build bridges between international MINT students and employers.

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