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Five tips to extend the life of your smartphone

Designed in the United States, assembled in Asia, with raw materials extracted in Africa and components manufactured in Europe: before it even arrives in your hands, your smartphone has been around the world more often than you … Without even mentioning the human and social conditions in which it is manufactured, its ecological impact is catastrophic. To lighten it, you must first try not to give in to the sirens of the novelty: the French change their laptop on average every two years while, in 88% of cases, it still works! Better to use your smartphone for as long as possible while ensuring that it remains in good condition. For this, the ADEME (Environment and Energy Management Agency) gives some advice to follow to the letter.

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1. Protect the screen

80% of repairs made on smartphones concern screens. We do not skimp on the protection, with a shell that protrudes from the screen and protects it when the phone falls, or a flip cover. It is possible to install a protective screen.

2. Let him rest

Today, it often functions as a GPS, music player, game console: after heavy use, let it blow! The battery and processor are very sensitive to high temperatures and need time to cool down.

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3. Recharge the battery regularly

No, we do not wait for the battery to be flat to recharge it! Essentially made up of lithium, smartphone batteries prefer alternating charging. The best option: maintain your battery between 20 and 80% all day. We also avoid charging the phone overnight, it consumes a lot of energy and depletes the batteries.

4. Don’t look for the network at all costs

In the metro, in the forest or on the TGV … when the network is not stable, the phone redoubles its efforts to pick up the signal, which considerably consumes its processor. What if we took the opportunity to switch to “airplane mode” and take a break?

5. Repair it, when possible

Only 14% of French people try a repair if their device has a problem. Manufacturers have approved repairers, but there are also many unauthorized professionals who can offer you quotes. Do you have the soul of a MacGyver? Learn how to fix it yourself in a Repair Café. And the next time your phone gives up, choose a Fairphone : a smartphone designed to last and easy to repair. Anyone can change the battery, camera or microphone with a simple screwdriver. Committed to a global ethical approach, the company ensures that its purchases of raw materials do not finance civil wars, that its partners do not make children work, and that the workers receive decent wages.

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