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Five Things That Convince Us That Black Holes Really Exist – All Pages

Event Horizon Telescope Collaboration

Photos are direct evidence of the existence of black holes.

Nationalgeographic.co.id—Of the many objects in universe, black hole is one of the most mysterious. This object is a region of space-time from which any matter, including light, that enters it cannot escape.

Existence black hole This has been conceptualized in physical theories and astronomy. The concept that this dark giant object is capable of sucking up other objects in its vicinity is indeed one of the strangest concepts in astronomy.

Many normal physics rules are broken if applied to characters black hole from outer space there. Yet there is a wealth of scientific evidence, both direct and indirect, that they actually exist in space. Here are at least five things, as quoted from Live Science, which can make us sure that black hole it really exists in universe we.

1. Albert Einstein’s “strong prediction”

As a theoretical possibility, black hole had been predicted in 1916 by Karl Schwarzschild, who discovered it as an inevitable consequence of Albert Einstein’s general theory of relativity. In other words, if Einstein’s theory is true—and all the evidence suggests it—then black hole there must be.

The theory that black hole that existed was later placed in a stronger place by Roger Penrose and Stephen Hawking, indicating that any object that collapses into black hole would form a singularity where the traditional laws of physics are broken, according to the University of Cambridge.

This concept has been so widely accepted that Penrose was awarded the 2020 Nobel Prize in Physics “for the discovery that the formation of black hole is a strong prediction of the general theory of relativity.”

Also Read: Why Don’t Black Holes Swallow All Objects in the Universe?

2. Gamma ray burst

Black holes do not always circulate individually or alone. Sometimes there are black holes in pairs, orbiting each other.

When there are two paired black holes, the gravitational interaction between them creates ripples in space-time, which spread outward as gravitational waves. This is another prediction of Einstein’s theory of relativity.

With observatories such as the Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory and Virgo, we now have the ability to detect these gravitational waves. The first discovery of gravitational waves, which involved the merging of two black holes, was announced in 2016, and many more gravitational waves have been detected since then.

As the sensitivity of the detector increases, events other than the merging of black holes that generate gravitational waves are later discovered. Take, for example, gravitational waves resulting from the collision between a black hole and a neutron star, which occurs far beyond our galaxy at a distance of 650 million to 1.5 billion light years from Earth.

3. Supermassive black hole

In addition to the presence of a number of black holes created through stellar collapse, evidence suggests that a number of supermassive black holes, each with a mass of millions or even billions of solar masses, have been hiding in the centers of galaxies since the beginning of the history of the universe.

According to NASA, the central black hole at the center of this galaxy is surrounded by an accretion disk that produces intense radiation at all wavelengths of light. We also have evidence that our own galaxy has a black hole at its center.

Since we see the stars at the center of our galaxy spinning very fast—up to 8% of the speed of light—they must be orbiting something very small and massive. Current estimates put the black hole at the center of the Milky Way at about 4 million solar masses.

Also Read: Stephen Hawking’s Four Weird Theories But Today They Are Proved To Be

4. Spagetifikasi

Other evidence of existence black hole is spaghetti. What is spaghetti? That’s what happens when you fall into black hole, and that’s pretty self explanatory.

You are stretched into thin strands by the pull of extreme gravity black hole. Luckily, it’s unlikely to happen to us on Earth, but it does happen to a star that wanders too close to black hole supermasif.

In October 2020, astronomers witnessed this annihilation. Or at least, they saw a flash of light from a poor star being torn apart. Fortunately, the process of spagetification that has been observed does not occur near Earth, but in a galaxy 215 million light years away.

5. Live photo proof

So far we have a lot of convincing circumstantial evidence for black hole, including bursts of radiation or gravitational waves and the dynamic effects of black hole to other objects that cannot be produced by other objects known to science. But the final decider came in April 2019, in the form of a live photo black hole supermassive galaxy at the center of the active galaxy Messier 87.

This stunning photo was taken by the Event Horizon Telescope Collaboration, a large network of telescopes spread across the globe. According to NASA, the more telescopes that can participate, and the wider the distance, the better the quality of the final image.

The result is clear, the photo captured from the telescope network shows a dark shadow black hole 6.5 billion solar masses with a “ring of fire” surrounding it. This bright ring is superheated gas that goes inside black hole the. The edge of the dark circle in the middle black hole it is the entry point of gas into it.


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